Senior Officers job descriptions

The London Borough of Bexley has four management groups which work together in a One Council approach.

Where every member of staff, contractor or partner organisation strives to meet customer expectations and takes responsibility for delivering what is required.

Chief Executive

The current Chief Executive is Paul Thorogood since 23 October 2023.

Paul is the senior officer who leads and takes responsibility for the work of the paid staff of the council, who provide services for the local authority on a day to day basis. The role of Chief Executive is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement and a rigorous selection process. They are appointed by the whole council.
By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all elected members irrespective of their political affiliation.

As head of paid service, Paul works closely with elected members to deliver the following:

  • leadership: to ensure strong and visible leadership and direction, encouraging and enabling managers to motivate and inspire their teams
  • strategic direction: ensuring all staff understand and adhere to the strategic aims of the organisation and follow the direction set by elected members
  • policy advice: acting as the principal policy adviser to elected members of the council to lead the development of workable strategies which will deliver the political objectives set
  • partnerships: leading and developing strong partnerships across the local community to achieve improved outcomes and better public services for local people
  • operational management: overseeing financial and performance management, risk management, people management and change management within the council

Job role

The Chief Executive's job description outlines Paul's key responsibilities as follows:

  • to support the Leader, Cabinet and other Elected Members to formulate strategies, policies and plans that reflect the priorities and concerns of Bexley's residents, to take full advantage of the opportunities and resources available to improve the quality of life of residents
  • to provide and communicate effectively both internally and externally a clear direction and purpose for the Borough to ensure the Council's capacity and structure is 'fit for purpose' and able to efficiently meet the needs of the local community and strategic goals
  • to lead, develop and inspire an effective and coordinated senior management team and all staff to deliver the outcomes agreed by the Council through the timely and successful delivery of programmes and plans
  • to create an environment and culture that empowers and requires staff to work collaboratively and effective across the organisation and its partners, and seek continuous improvement in how they deliver services to residents that are innovative, customer-focused and effective in delivering the Council's agreed outcomes
  • to hold the senior management team and all staff, collectively and individually accountable for high standards of performance within agreed frameworks and policies
  • to ensure that effective organisational and management arrangements are in place to monitor and review progress on key priorities and deliver strategic and service objectives and outcomes in a timely manner within the resources available
  • to work collaboratively, engaging and building strong relationships with partner agencies and stakeholders at local, regional and national levels to deliver improvements and opportunities for Bexley residents and businesses
  • to ensure that the statutory duties of the Council are met in accordance with legislation, guidance and regulatory requirements
  • to ensure the Council operates in an open, accountable and democratic manner
  • to ensure that the Council serves all of its residents and provides equality of opportunity in relation to employment, service delivery and opportunity

Working arrangements

Paul is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Paul is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Paul is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £192,198 and ends at £220,308. Performance-related pay awards for a Chief Executive are determined by a formal Member Panel.

Paul's current salary is £192,198 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Chief Executive post attracts a Choices allowance of £8,415 and an out of pocket and Hospitality allowance of £2,000 which is paid for costs incurred in connection with the Chief Executive's role.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Paul pays 11.4% of his salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Deputy Director Finance and Property

The current Deputy Director of Finance and Property (Deputy S151), Is Nickie Morris, who was appointed to this role on 1 October 2020.

The role of Deputy Director of Finance and Property (Deputy S151) is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Mrs Morris is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

The Deputy Director of Finance and Property (Deputy S151) job description outlines Mrs Morris's key responsibilities as follows:

  • Business Partnering
  • Corporate Finance
  • Finance Systems
  • Exchequer Services
  • Revenue Benefits
  • Procurement
  • Property & Assets
  • Facilities Management

Working arrangements

Mrs Morris is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. Mrs Morris is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mrs Morris is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mrs Morris is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by their director.

Mrs Morris current salary is £119,935 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Finance and Property (Deputy S151) post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the L GPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mrs Morris pays 9.9% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mrs Morris is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital

The current Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital is Kate Bonham, who has held a Deputy Director position since her appointment in September 2023.

The role of Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Kate is part of the Senior Management team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job role

The Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital job description outlines Kate’s key responsibilities as follows:

  • HR and Organisational Development
  • ICT and Digital
  • Customer Services and Business Support

Working arrangements

Kate is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. Kate is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Kate is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Kate’s annual salary scale starts at £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by the Director.

Kate’s current salary is £113,749. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from their own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Kate pays 9.9% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Kate is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director Legal & Democratic Service (Monitoring Officer)

The current Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) is Patricia Narebor, who was appointed to this role on 25 October 2021.

The role of Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Patricia is part of the Senior Management team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

The Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services job description outlines Patricia’s key responsibilities as follows:

  • Legal Services
  • Committee Services and Scrutiny
  • Electoral Services
  • Mayoral & Member Support
  • Information Governance
  • Monitoring Officer (see below)
  • to undertake the statutory role of the Council’s Monitoring Officer and to lead on all constitutional issues and issues of corporate governance. The post-holder will provide both legal, governance and constitutional advice to the Mayor, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members alongside the Chief Executive and Corporate Leadership Team

Working arrangements

Patricia is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. Patricia is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Patricia is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Patricia's annual salary scale starts at £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by the Director.

Patricia’s current salary is £119,935. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Legal and Democratic Services post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently.

The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Patricia pays 9.9% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Patricia is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Director of Adult Social Care and Health

The Director of Adult Social Care and Health is Yolanda Dennehy who was appointed to this role in March 2024.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Yolanda is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

Yolanda's key responsibilities as the Director of Social Care and Health are as follows:

  • to undertake the role of Statutory Director of Adult Social Services assuring compliance with statutory functions associated with adult social care
  • lead in shaping the strategy for delivery of social care and health for adults and wider population health issues
  • to develop strategies and plans in consultation with partners to respond to key issues relevant to social care and health that are customer focused, efficient and represent excellent value for money
  • be the lead officer for the Council on all health interface issues, such as joint funding, integrated services and partnership arrangements, such as the Health and Wellbeing Board
  • to be responsible for personalised and/or integrated services to all client groups, including the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
  • to ensure effective commissioning of services through market development, service design and procurement processes and by developing constructive provider relationships
  • to develop positive, effective and productive working relationships with Council Departments, the South East London Integrated Care Board and other NHS partners, Community and Independent Sector organisations, users and carers which maximise involvement in the provision of local services
  • to ensure that the voice of the user and carer is appropriately represented and acted upon
  • the Director of Public Health reports to the postholder who has overall responsibility for delivering the Council's responsibilities in improving health outcomes for people in the borough

Working arrangements

Yolanda is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings and weekends, in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Yolanda is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

The post holder is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


The annual salary scale for this post starts on £155,885 and ends at £182,979.

Yolanda's current salary is £155,885 per annum.

Performance-related pay awards for Management Board are determined by a formal Member Panel.


In addition to salary, the Director of Adults Social Care and Health post attracts a Choices allowance of £6,249, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Yolanda pays 11.4% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Yolanda is able to reclaim a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of Adult Social Care

The current Deputy Director of Adult Social Care role is Jim Beale who has held a Deputy Director position since his permanent appointment in August 2024.

The role of Deputy Director of Adult Social Care is a full-time appointment.


This role is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions. By law, senior council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job role

The Deputy Director of Adult Social Care job description outlines the key responsibilities as follows:

  • to be responsible for the development and implementation of strategies and plans for a broad range of services in accordance with the Council’s priorities and objectives
  • to ensure that services are delivered that are customer-focused, efficient and represent excellent value for money
  • to work collaboratively with colleagues within the council, partner organisations and other organisations to ensure the delivery of excellent integrated services to residents
  • to lead, manage and motivate staff in the department through excellent communication, professional guidance, support and development in accordance with the Council’s policies and procedures
  • to seek continuous improvement and innovation in services so as to better meet the needs of residents within the resources available

Working arrangements

The post holder is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of their duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. The post holder is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.


The post holder is paid an annual salary scale that starts at £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by their director.

Jim’s current salary is £119,935 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Adult Social Care post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% to 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.


The post holder is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Director of Public Health, Deputy Director for Health and Wellbeing

The Director of Public Health, Deputy Director for Health and Wellbeing is Dr Nicole Klynman who was appointed to this role on 20 July 2022.

The role of Director of Public Health, Deputy Director for Health and Wellbeing is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement. 

Dr Klynman is part of the Corporate Leadership Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff, are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job role

Dr Klynman’s key responsibilities as the Director of Public Health, Deputy Director for Health and Wellbeing are as follows.

To improve the health and wellbeing of communities through:

  • their statutory responsibilities and powers with respect to health protection and health scrutiny.
  • the level, distribution and quality of services the Council directly commissions or provides.
  • strategic leadership - promoting and supporting partnership working by public and private sector agencies on key priorities such as community safety, alcohol and drugs prevention and treatment.
  • community leadership - enabling Members to engage effectively with their communities with respect to health and intelligently holds the NHS and the local authority to account.
  • advocacy and influence - national and local policy development

The Director of Public Health has responsibility for:

  • all of the Council’s duties to improve public health
  • any of the Secretary of State’s public health protection or health improvement functions delegated to local authorities, either by arrangement or under regulations – these include services mandated by regulations made under section 6C of the 2006 Act, inserted by section 18 of the 2012 Act
  • exercising the Council’s functions in planning for, and responding to, emergencies that present a risk to public health
  • the Council's role in co-operating with the police, the probation service and the prison service to assess the risks posed by violent or sexual offenders
  • such other public health functions as the Secretary of State specifies in regulations.
  • producing an independent annual report on the health of local communities

Working arrangements

Dr Klynman is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of their duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings and weekends, in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Dr Klynman is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Dr Klynman is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


The annual salary scale for this post starts on £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Dr Klynman is paid an annual salary of £126,127 per annum. 

Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to salary, the Director of Public Health, Deputy Director for Health and Wellbeing post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% to 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. 

The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Dr Klynman pays 11.4% of their salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Dr Klynman is able to reclaim a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Director of Children's Services

The current Director of Children's Services is Stephen Kitchman, who was appointed to the role on 16 August 2019.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Mr Kitchman is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

Mr Kitchman's key responsibilities as the Director of Children's Services, are as follows:

  • to be responsible for the development, in partnership with other agencies, of strategies and plans for services across the Borough that inform the priorities and objectives of the Local Strategic Partnership, and the Council
  • to ensure that strategies are developed in consultation with partner agencies that will enable services to be delivered that are customer focused, efficient and represent excellent value for money
  • to work with colleagues and partner organisations to seek continuous improvement and innovation in all services so as to better meet the needs of residents within the resources available
  • to ensure the effective management of allocated budgets and other resources and that plans for expenditure reductions are delivered
  • to work collaboratively with colleagues within the Council, partner agencies and other organisations to ensure the delivery of excellent integrated services to residents
  • to ensure that services are delivered in accordance with the Council's proper policies and procedures and with appropriate professional standards and expertise
  • to provide strategic advice and support to Members, Management Board, colleague Directors and service managers on the full range of issues within the scope of their job, and to partner agencies in relation to issues within the remit of the job
  • to take a leadership role in the overall management of the Council and Borough, as appropriate, and to contribute to the delivery of Borough-wide and Council objectives
  • to lead, manage and motivate staff in the management group and across the Council as a whole through excellent communication, professional guidance, support and development in accordance with the Council's policies and procedures
  • to undertake such projects, initiatives and additional duties as are required to ensure the effective management and delivery of the Council's services to residents
  • Employment and Skills
  • The Learning & Enterprise College Bexley

Working arrangements

Mr Kitchman is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of his duties. This routinely involves three evenings a week in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week. Occasional weekend working is required. Mr Kitchman is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mr Kitchman is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mr Kitchman is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £155,885 and ends at £182,979. Performance-related pay awards for Management Board are determined by a formal Member Panel.

Mr Kitchman's current salary is £182,979 per annum. Progression along the salary scale has been assessed through annual appraisal demonstrated by achievement of objectives.


In addition to his salary, Mr Kitchman receives a Choices allowance of £6,249, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from their own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 7.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mr Kitchman pays 11.4% of his salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mr Kitchman is able to reclaim a restricted range of legitimate and evidenced business expenses, including business travel and temporary accommodation. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of Children's Social Care and Safeguarding

The current Deputy Director of Children's Social Care and Safeguarding is Tamsyn Basson who has held a Deputy Director position since her appointment in March 2024. The role of Deputy Director of Children's Social Care and Safeguarding is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Tamsyn is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff, are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job role

The Deputy Director of Children's Social Care and Safeguarding job description outlines Tamsyn’s key responsibilities as follows:

  • Children’s Social Care Team
  • Referral and Assessment
  • Long Term Child Protection
  • Leaving Care Team
  • Quality Assurance Team
  • Youth Offending Team

Working arrangements

Tamsyn is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings and weekends, in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Tamsyn is 'on-call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements and the out of hours' social work service. Requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Tamsyn is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Tamsyn is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by the Director.

Tamsyn's current salary is £107,559 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Children's Social Care post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% to 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Tamsyn pays 10.5% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Tamsyn is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of Educational Achievement and Inclusion

The current Deputy Director of Educational Achievement and Inclusion is Kevin Taylor who was appointed to this role on 13 December 2022.

The role of Deputy Director of Educational Achievement and Inclusion is a full- time appointment.

Mr Taylor is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job role

The Deputy Director of Educational Achievement and Inclusion job description outlines Mr Taylor’s key responsibilities as follows:

  • school improvement
  • educational achievement
  • procedures relating to schools
  • early intervention for educational needs
  • complex & specialist service for children with special educational needs and disabilities
  • statutory assessment service
  • head teacher liaison
  • school’s forum
  • early years education
  • 14-19
  • NQTs
  • assessment & moderation
  • attendance strategy
  • link to Behaviour Federation
  • youth services
  • school admissions
  • SEN travel assistance
  • school place planning
  • major projects 
  • youth and Inclusion, including fair access
  • strategic education partnership

Working arrangements

Mr Taylor is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of his duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. Mr Taylor is 'on-call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mr Taylor is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mr Taylor is paid on an annual salary scale that starts at £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by their director.

Mr Taylor’s current salary is £113,749 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Educational Achievement and Inclusion post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,211, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% to 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mr Taylor pays 9.9% of his salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mr Taylor is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Director of Place

The current Director of Place is Matthew Norwell, who was appointed to the role on 5 October 2020.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Mr Norwell is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

Mr Norwell's key responsibilities as the Director of Place, are as follows:

  • to work collaboratively with colleagues within the Council, partner agencies and other organisations to develop borough-wide strategies and plans for the delivery of excellent integrated services to residents
  • to lead the development of strategy and planning on cross-cutting themes so as to deliver integrated services that meet residents needs, adopting a One Council approach at all times
  • to set the strategic direction and context for the delivery of services within a management group to meet the needs of residents

Working arrangements

Mr Norwell is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of his duties. This routinely involves three evenings a week in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week. Occasional weekend working is required. Mr Norwell is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements.

The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mr Norwell is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mr Norwell is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £155,885 and ends at £182,979. Performance-related pay awards for Management Board are determined by a formal Member Panel.

Mr Norwell's current salary is £173,954 per annum. Progression along the salary scale has been assessed through annual appraisal demonstrated by achievement of objectives.


In addition to his salary, Mr Norwell receives a Choices allowance of £6,249, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from their own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 7.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently.

The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mr Norwell pays 11.4% of his salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mr Norwell is able to reclaim a restricted range of legitimate and evidenced business expenses, including business travel and temporary accommodation. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods

The current Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods is Qasim (Kim) Durrani, who has held the position since his appointment on 4 May 2021.

The role of Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Mr Durrani is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

The Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods job description outlines Mr Durrani's key responsibilities as follows:

  • environmental services
  • highways traffic and infrastructure 
  • parking services (shared service with Bromley)
  • community safety partnership leisure services including PPP contract and Barnehurst Golf Course
  • parks - policy, development and events
  • grounds maintenance
  • trees and landscaping
  • playgrounds
  • allotment service
  • cemeteries and cremation
  • libraries service 
  • local studies and archives
  • heritage    
  • outdoor recreation

Working arrangements

Mr Durrani is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required. Occasional weekend working is required. Mr Durrani is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mr Durrani is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mr Durrani is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by their director.

Mr Durrani’s current salary is £119,935 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the L GPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mr Durrani pays 9.9% of his salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mr Durrani is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Deputy Director of Housing and Strategic Planning

The current Deputy Director of Housing and Strategic Planning is Jane Richardson, who has held a Deputy Director position since her appointment in August 2009.

The role of Deputy Director of Housing and Strategic Planning is a full-time appointment.


Post holders are selected on merit, against objective criteria, following public advertisement.

Mrs Richardson is part of the Senior Management Team that is responsible for the activities of Council staff and for advising councillors on the potential implications of political decisions.

By law, senior Council staff are not allowed to participate in any party political activity and are expected to advise and assist all Councillors irrespective of their political affiliation.

Job Role

The Deputy Director of Housing and Strategic Planning's job description outlines Mrs Richardson's key responsibilities as follows:

  • land use policy
  • local development framework
  • strategy and implementation
  • transport planning
  • regeneration and economic strategy and implementation
  • housing services
  • strategic partnership with GLA family
  • regeneration projects
  • town centres
  • development control
  • building control
  • planning enforcement
  • trading standards
  • environmental health & protection
  • licensing (Sevenoaks shared service)
  • local land & property gazetteer
  • economic development
  • business development/liaison

Working arrangements

Mrs Richardson is expected to work such hours as are necessary for the effective performance of her duties. This routinely involves working in the evenings in addition to the standard Monday to Friday business week as and when required.

Occasional weekend working is required. Mrs Richardson is 'on call' at all other times, particularly to cover emergency planning requirements. The requirement to work beyond the standard Monday to Friday business week is reflected in the salary and no additional payments are made for work in excess of these hours.

Mrs Richardson is entitled to 33 days paid leave each year.


Mrs Richardson is paid an annual salary scale that starts on £107,559 and ends at £126,127. Performance-related pay awards for deputy directors are determined by their director.

Mrs Richardson's current salary is £126,127 per annum. Progression along the salary scale is subject to annual appraisal. Incremental progression is only approved where satisfactory progress is evidenced.


In addition to the salary, the Deputy Director of Housing and Strategic Planning post attracts a Choices allowance of £5,415, which is paid as a lump sum.


The Local Government Pension Scheme is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her own salary. Employees contribute 5.5% - 12.5% of their salaries. Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded and are set independently. The Council currently makes an employer's contribution of 15.1% into the scheme. The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament.

Mrs Richardson pays 10.5% of her salary into the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Mrs Richardson is entitled to be reimbursed for a restricted range of legitimately incurred and evidenced business expenses such as business travel. In all cases, receipts are required before appropriate payment is made.

Senior managers structure

The structure of senior managers is shown below.

You can also download this as a visual structure chart (PDF).

  • Chief Executive (Returning Officer) – Paul Thorogood – Bexley 27

    • Deputy Director of Transformation - Mark Grimley - Bexley 24 (Interim)
    • Head of Risk and Assurance - Kathleen Brunning (Interim)
    • Head of Communications and Marketing - Gill Amas
    • Head of Strategy, Performance and Complaints - Julia Owen
    • Director of Finance and Corporate Services (S151 Officer) – Ross Brown – Bexley 26
      • Deputy Director of Finance and Property (Deputy S151) - Nickie Morris - Bexley 24
        • Head of Financial Strategy, Treasury and Pensions - Catherine Peter
        • Head of Finance Business Partnering (Children’s) - Wesley Guy
        • Head of Finance Business Partnering (Adults & Public Health) - Paul Durrant (Interim)
        • Head of Finance Business Partnering (Place & Corporate) - Oscar Turnerberg
        • Head of Exchequer Services - Emma Johnson
        • Head of Procurement - Mick Sullivan
        • Chief Accountant - Rishi Sharma
        • Head of Property and Facilities Management - Alan McCarthy (Interim)
      • Deputy Director of HR, Customer Services and Digital - Kate Bonham - Bexley 24
        • Head of Corporate HR & Organisational Learning - Lorraine Barlow
        • Head of Schools HR and Governor Services and HR Operations - Rebecca Barut
        • Head of ICT - Gemma Springham
        • Head of Customer Services and Business Support - Richard Edwards
      • Deputy Director Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) - Patricia Narebor - Bexley 24
        • Head of Electoral Services - Laurel Brewster
        • Head of Committee Services and Scrutiny - Kevin Fox
        • Head of Legal (Commercial Team) - Kheng Chau
        • Head of Litigation and Social Care - Donna Frost
    • Director of Children’s Services – Stephen Kitchman – Bexley 26
      • Deputy Director for Achievement and Inclusion - Kevin Taylor - Bexley 24
        • Head of Education Partnership & Improvement - Joan Woodham
        • Head of SEND - Wendy Vincent
        • Head of Early Intervention - Fiona Clark
        • Head of School Expansion, Transport and Admissions - Vacant
        • Head of 16+ Learning Skills (Principal of the LECB) - Philip Cunniffe
      • Deputy Director Children’s Social Care and Safeguarding - Tamsyn Basson - Bexley 24
        • Head of Virtual School for Looked-After Children - Rosemarie Zaubzer
        • Head of Professional Standards and Quality Assurance - Amanda Gillard
        • Head of Looked After Children, Placements and Specialist Services - Shaeda Alam (Interim)
        • Head of MASH, Referral and Assessment, Family Support and Child Protection - Vacant
        • Peripatetic Head of Service CSC - Corne Van Staden
        • Head of Specialist Adolescent Services - Severine Aare
    • Director of Adult Social Care and Health – Yolanda Dennehy – Bexley 26
      • Deputy Director Adult Social Care - Jim Beale - Bexley 24
        • Associate Director Adult Social Care - Deborah Travers
        • Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning (BCCG) - Alison Rogers
        • Head of Safeguarding Adults - Susan Chandler
        • Head of Integrated Services for Older People - Laura Williams
        • Head of Complex Care - Maxine Hammond
        • Head of Integrated Commissioning LD and PD - Elizabeth Deeves
        • Head of Integrated Commissioning for MH - Vacant
      • Director of Public Health (Deputy Director of Health and Wellbeing) - Nicole Klynman - Bexley 24
        • Public Health Consultant - Tara Piasetski
        • Public Health Consultant - Katie Clare
    • Director of Place – Matthew Norwell – Bexley 26
      • Deputy Director Neighbourhoods - Kim Durrani - Bexley 24
        • Head of Leisure, Parks and Open Spaces - Janet Stone
        • Head of Libraries and Communities - Ginny Hyland
        • Head of Environmental Services - Asya Mircheva
        • Head of Shared Service Parking (Joint report to Bexley and Bromley) - Chloe Wenbourne
        • Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure - Andrew Bashford
      • Deputy Director Housing and Strategic Planning - Jane Richardson - Bexley 24
        • Head of Strategic Planning - Seb Salom
        • Head of Planning and Regulation - vacant
        • Head of Economic Development and Skills - Brian Smith
        • Head of Housing Services - Jacqui Lansley


  • Please refer to the council's pay and salary scales for grade ranges.
  • All posts are filled on a permanent basis unless otherwise specified