Jobs and careers Come and work with us, support communities and improve lives Democracy and elections Find out about the structure of the Council, the election process and watch the latest council meeting webcast Councillors and wards Find your Councillor and your ward and polling district Consultations Consultations are an opportunity for you to give your opinions and inform decisions we make about local services and issues Feedback Get in touch if you have a complaint, compliment or enquiry The Mayor Our elected Mayor is Councillor Sue Gower MBE JP, who represents Bexleyheath Ward Council budgets and spending Find out about the Council's five-year financial plan and view the annual accounts Strategies, plans and policies Strategies including those relating to public health, adult social care and Modern Day Slavery Press office Find out how to get in contact with our Press office Zero tolerance statement Our zero tolerance policy for protecting staff, those working on behalf of the Council, as well as our residents and customers Recognition awards Nominate someone for a Civic Recognition Award for voluntary service or recognise the efforts of employees who go the extra mile Senior Council Officers Job descriptions of the Chief Executive and Senior Officers working for the London Borough of Bexley Our response times Find out our response times for highways and street cleansing issues Top