Pay Report Apply Find PayBBusiness ratesCCommercial rentCouncil taxDDead animal removal (private property)EEmergency accommodationFFixed Penalty Notice (FPN)Food safety re-inspectionGGarden waste service by Direct DebitHHousing benefit overpaymentIInvoiceLLocal land charge searchLost dogPPenalty Charge Notice (PCN)Planning applicationSSafer Food Better Business packsTTemporary accommodationReportAAbandoned or untaxed vehiclesAir pollutionAnimal foulingAntisocial behaviourAsbestos issueBBlue badge misuseBreach of planning reportingBuilding control issueCCars for sale on the public roadChildren missing educationContaminated landDDead animalsDog foulingDrainage and floodingDrug and alcohol issueDumped shopping trolleysFFly-tippingFood safety issueFraud and corruptionGGlass and debrisGraffitiGrass cutting and weedingHHate crimeHealth and safety at workIIllegal encampmentsIllegal posters and fly postingIncorrect parkingLLight nuisanceMMissed bin collectionMoving homeNNew ratepayer detailsNoise nuisanceOObstruction on a pavement or roadPParks and open space issuePest control complaintPlanning issuePotholes or road defectsPublic toilet issueRRubbish on a private propertySSmoking issueStreet cleaning issueStreet furniture issueStreet lighting, traffic bollards and signs issueTTree issueUUtility equipmentApplyAAdvertising bannerAdvertising board licenceAlcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment (Premises Licence)AllotmentsApprenticeshipAssisted collection requestBBaptism and marriage certificatesBeekeeping on allotmentsBlue BadgeBoarding for cats or dogs and dog day care licenceBuilding notices applicationBulky item collectionBusking licenceCChaperone licenceChild employment work permitCivic awards nominationsClinical waste collectionsClub Premises CertificateCommunity right to bidCones for funeralsConfiscated blue badge commentCouncil Tax accountCycle trainingCrane or oversail licenceDDangerous wild animals licenceDemolitions applicationDiscounts and financial supportDiscretionary housing paymentsDog breeding licenceDropped kerbEEnvironmental permitsExplosives and fireworks licenceFFamily Wellbeing Service referralFood hygiene courseFood hygiene rating appealFood hygiene rating responseFood premises approvalFood premises registrationFood safety re-inspectionFostering information packFreedom of information requestFull plans applicationGGambling and lotteries licenceGarden Waste ServiceHHardship reliefHelp with Council Tax and RentHen keeping on allotmentsHire a park for an eventHiring out horses licenceHost UkrainiansHousehold Support FundHousing supportHypnotism authorisationJJobs and careersJoin the libraryKKeeping or training animals for exhibition licenceLLicensing and permitsMMandatory rate reliefMayor visitNNew food businessNew ratepayer detailsNursery schoolsOOpen Register 'opt-out'PParking permitsPlanning permissionPlanning pre-application advice servicePrimary schoolsRRegister to voteRegularisation applicationRent it Right enquiryReplace damaged or missing binsSSafer Food Better Business packsSafety certificate for regulated stands at stadiumsSafety certificate for sports groundsScaffold or hoarding licenceSchool in-year applicationSchool selection testsSchool waste action clubScrap metal licenceScrutiny requestSecondary schoolsSelective property licensing searchSelling animals as pets licenceSex establishment licenceSharps collectionSkip permitSmall business rate reliefSpecial treatment premises licenceSponsor a treeStreet name and/or postal codeStreet trading licenceStreet works or excavation licenceStudy placementTTemporary event noticeTravel assistance for SENDWWeighbridge operator's licenceWork experienceZZoo licenceFindAAdoptionAdult social careAntisocial behaviourArchives and local historyAssets of community valueBBenefitsBexley Business & Employment (BBE)Bexley PlanBexley Youth CouncilBirthsBlue Badge disabled parkingBonfiresBonfires on allotmentsBSN Bexley Education Traded ServicesBudgets and spendingBuilding controlBusiness in BexleyBusiness RatesCCar parksCemeteries in BexleyChaperone licenceChildren's CentresChildren's UniversityChildren social careCitizenship ceremonyCivic Recognition AwardsCivil partnershipsClinical waste collectionsClimate Change StatementCommunity safetyComplaints and feedbackConsultationsContact usCorporate PlanCost of livingCouncillors and wardsCouncil meetings and decision makingCouncil TaxCoronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and supportDDangerous rubbishDanson House and ParkDanson Park AdventuresData HubDeathsDemocracy in BexleyDiscounts and financial supportDomestic abuseEEarly years educationEducationElections and votingEmail addressEnvironmentFFacts and figures about BexleyFamily Wellbeing ServiceFinancial helpFood safety and hygieneFosteringFreedom of informationFreedom PassFree school mealsFuneral servicesGGarden waste collection serviceGeneral enquiries form HHazardous waste disposalHealth and safety at workHealth and wellbeingHelp with Rent and Council TaxHomefinder UK surveyHosting UkrainiansHousehold Support FundHousingHow to register to voteJJobs and careersLLand charge searchLeisure CentresLibraries in BexleyLicensing and permitsLost or stray dogsMMarriagesMayorNNews updatesNursery schoolsOOyster card (60+)PParking enforcementParking permitsParksPlanningPlanning appealsPlanning applicationsPolling stationsPost-16 educationPress officePrimary schoolsProcurementProperty assetsProperty for sale and to rentPublic NoticesPublic Rights of WayRRecognition awardsRecycling centresRefugees from UkraineRenew and manage your garden waste accountResponse standardsRoad safety and cycle skillsRoadworksRooms to hireRubbish and recyclingRubbish collection daySSchool in-year applicationsSchool selection testsSchool term and holiday datesSecondary schoolsSocial careSpecial educational needs and disabilitiesSport and fitnessStillbirth registeringStrategies, plans and policiesStreet and road issuesStreet naming and numberingTTargeted Youth SupportTelephone contactsTrading StandardsUUkrainians informationULEZ expansionUniversal CreditVVisitor attractionsVisitor scratch cardsVoting and electionsWWards in BexleyWebcast meetingsWhat's on in BexleyWhat TradesmanYYouth offending At your service See all category listings for all the services provided by the London Borough of Bexley See all services Top