DGSPD Design Principles consultation

Status OPEN
Start date Mon 22 Jul 2024, 9:00am
End date Fri 13 Sep 2024, 5:00pm

The Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide design guidance on development across the borough that promotes sustainable, inclusive and exemplar design.

The Design Guide SPD – Design Principles (PDF)* has been produced to support the recent adoption of the Bexley Local Plan, building upon the policies set out in the Local Plan to provide developers, landowners and decision-makers with specific guidance that promotes the good design of Bexley’s buildings and public spaces. The Design Principles document is the first in a series of SPDs which provide the Council’s expectations on what is required to develop well-designed places and buildings.

* This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Request an accessible format.

The draft has been produced through engagement with stakeholders to establish the key design challenges and opportunities across Bexley to ensure the design principles outlined are rooted in the Borough’s context.

The consultation is open from 22 July 2024 until 13 September 2024. You can:

  • email your views to SP&Gteam@bexley.gov.uk with the subject DGSPD – Design Principles
  • write to Strategic Planning, London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT

Any correspondence concerning the Design Guide SPD – Design Principles must be received by 5pm on 13 September 2024.

A survey on the content of the SPD is also provided and can be completed anonymously. The survey will close on 13 September 2024.

Complete the survey

The statements relating to the consultation are available below. Alternatively, paper copies of the documents, including the Design Guide SPD – Design Principles, can be viewed during normal office hours at the Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT and at all libraries across the Borough.

Consultation Statement

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), Regulation 12(a), The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

Section 19 of the PCPA2004 sets out the requirements for the preparation of local development documents and Part 5 of the 2012 Local Planning Regulations provides the process for the preparation of supplementary planning documents.

Regulation 12(a) states that before a local planning authority adopt a supplementary planning document it must prepare a statement setting out –

(i) the persons the local planning authority consulted when preparing the supplementary planning document;
(ii) a summary of the main issues raised by those persons; and
(iii) how those issues have been addressed in the supplementary planning document

The Council has prepared a Design Guide (consultation draft) supplementary planning document. Table 1 sets out the names of the persons the Council consulted in preparing the draft SPD, and the method of consultation.

All consultees were engaged at various key stages on sections of the document relevant to their expertise. Engagement was both online and in-person, with interactive workshops that typically comprised of progress presentations with questions to prompt discussion. Feedback was provided at and following the sessions. Table 2 sets out a summary of the main issues raised in those sessions and how those issues have been addressed in the draft SPD.

The draft SPD takes into account comments received from consultees. It also reflects government guidance and the London Plan (2021), as well as policies in the Bexley Local Plan (2023).

The following engagement exercises were undertaken:

  • Pre-consultation
  • Officers workshop
  • Members workshop

The following tables summarise the engagement undertaken and key issues.

Name of person consultedMethod of Consultation
Council officers from relevant departmentsQuarterly meetings of the Officer Steering Group
Officer working groups at workshops and pre-consultation meetings
Senior Officer briefings
Cabinet Member and Local CouncillorsAttendance at workshops and pre-consultation meetings

Table 1: Consultees engaged with when producing the consultation draft document

Summary of main issues raisedHow the main issues have been addressed
procedural matters - what extant guidance is the document replacingA table has been created that sets out the guidance being replaced by the design guide in an updated policy context section.
clarity of the information –who is the document intended for and how do they use it, and can they understand the planning termsA subtitle to the document has been added and text revised for clarity, both in the introduction and also within sections, which direct the reader to design guidance that is directly relevant to their type of development proposal. In addition, glossaries have been updated using verified sources and to ensure consistency with the glossary in the local plan.
level of detail – the content is quite comprehensive and there is a danger that the document will be difficult for people to useThe draft SPD has been split into parts, with the main section - the design principles – being produced for consultation first. This will be followed by specific information on typical sites, buildings and places in documents published separately to clearly define and illustrate what is expected for well-designed places.
locally relevant – the guidance should reflect Bexley’s character and address design matters that relate to thisFurther text has been added to the document to strengthen local context, including local views, and links added to reference documents such as the conservation area character appraisals and management plans and the Bexley local character study.
consistency – need to ensure that the guidance directly relates to higher level plans and policies and does not replicate guidance produced nationally and London-wideThe policy context section has been updated to reflect the planning policy hierarchy, with the development plan and supplemental guidance, both adopted and emerging, illustrated. Sections where new legislation is in place (e.g. BNG requirements) have been updated.

Table 2: Main issues raised and how they were taken into consideration when producing the consultation draft document

Statement of Representations Procedure

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), Regulation 12(b), The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012

This statement has been prepared in accordance with Regulation 12(b) of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

The Council has prepared a draft Design Guide to support the delivery of the Bexley Local Plan (2023), providing additional guidance for development proposals across the borough. The Council intends to adopt the Design Guide as a supplementary planning document (SPD).

The draft SPD and accompanying consultation documents are available to view online on the consultation webpage of the Council’s website. In addition, printed copies of the draft SPD, the statement of consultation, SA/SEA screening opinion, and this statement of representations procedure are available to view at the Bexley Civic Offices and at the borough’s libraries during normal opening hours.

Comments (representations) are being sought on the draft SPD pursuant to Regulations 12 and 13 of the 2012 Regulations. Any person wishing to make a representation should do so electronically where possible via email at SP&Gteam@bexley.gov.uk with the email subject line: Bexley Design Guide SPD Consultation.

We will also accept comments by post at:

Bexley Design Guide SPD Consultation
Planning Policy Team
Strategic Planning, 2nd Floor East, Civic Offices
2 Watling Street

All representations must be received by 13 September 2024.

Representations submitted after this time may not be considered.

All duly made representations will be considered in the preparation of the final SPD for adoption.