Draft Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation

Start date Fri 28 May 2021, 5:00pm
End date Sun 25 Jul 2021, 11:59pm

Draft Local Plan

Following the publication in February 2019 of the emerging local plan (regulation 18 stage) consultation paper, the Council has carefully considered all views received, and, along with subsequently completed additional evidence, is now in a position to publish the Draft Local Plan (regulation 19 stage) and accompanying submission policies map for public consultation before submitting it to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for public examination.

The Draft Local Plan, and other supporting documents, are being made available for public inspection to provide any individual, group, or business the opportunity to make a ‘Statement of Representation’ on the ‘soundness’ and legal compliance (including with the duty to cooperate) of the Draft Local Plan, for consideration by the Planning Inspector.  

Please provide your comments (‘representations’) on these documents before the consultation deadline which is 23:59 on 25 July 2021. Representations cannot be received after this date.