Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Status OPEN
Start date Fri 26 Jul 2024, 9:00am
End date Wed 11 Sep 2024, 5:00pm

We want to hear how you access and use pharmacy services in Bexley to help us develop services in the future. Your views will help inform our Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will look at health needs in Bexley, the level and accessibility of pharmacy services, and how these will be maintained and developed in the future.

We would be grateful if you could answer some questions about your own experience and views. The questionnaire should take no longer than five minutes to complete. The information in the questionnaire that you provide is confidential. Please be honest with your answers so we can accurately assess areas where pharmacies are already fulfilling your needs well and areas that need improvement.

London Borough of Bexley has been delegated responsibility from the Bexley Health and Wellbeing Board to undertake a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. The Council have asked Soar Beyond Limited to facilitate the process and provide expertise on undertaking the assessment.

Take survey

Tell us what you think

Please complete our survey by clicking the link below.


Paper copies or an easy read version of the questionnaires are also available under request. Please contact Soar Beyond by email or telephone 01442 927972.

The deadline for completion is 5pm on 11 September 2024. 

We will use your feedback to help develop our draft of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment which will then be available for public consultation in 2025.