Adult Bat Walk


Hall Place Bourne Road Bexley

DA5 1PQ See map


Thursday 22 August 8:15 pm to 10 pm

£14 per person

Join us on a dusk walk through the gardens to hear and see these nocturnal creatures. Bat detector supplied! Followed by tea and cake. Dress for the weather and for walking over uneven ground.

Location: Located outside in the gardens. Meet by the river, south of the historic house, use the large green gates to the house from the car park.

Who would like this: Anyone with an interest in bats. Requires lots of patience and good observation skills. Bat sightings cannot be guaranteed as they are a wild species and not on the payroll.

What to bring: Please bring a torch (although we ask that this is kept switched off unless told otherwise by a member of staff). Please wear sensible shoes as we will be walking through long grass/ uneven ground that could be wet. Warm weather brings out many insects, wearing insect repellent will limit bites.