Concerns over the end of winter fuel allowance

Image of a hand turning down a thermostat

As winter approaches the London Borough of Bexley has expressed concern over the wellbeing of older people in the borough, following the Government’s withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance. Approximately 34,000 residents in Bexley are set to lose the annual payment. 

Following the announcement last week that the Household Support Fund is set to be extended temporarily, the Council is looking at what support could be put in place to help those affected by the change. 

Cabinet Member for Adults Services and Health, Cllr Melvin Seymour said: 

“We are worried by how many of our older residents will be impacted by the Government’s decision and are hard at work looking at how we could provide some support to those who need it. The extension to the Household Support Fund announced just last week may help us with this, but in true Bexley fashion we need to ensure that the funds are spent wisely and get to the right people. The Leader of the Council, Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley OBE and I have already been in touch with our partners at AgeUK Bexley and will be meeting them soon to discuss the situation.”

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources, Cllr David Leaf said:

"This cruel decision taken by the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer will be causing concern to thousands of households affected and their families. We previously used the Household Support Fund to help those facing hardship and will look to see if we can work with local partners to use the funds we have to make a difference to those affected by this appalling decision. However, our funds are limited and it will not be enough to support all those in need who have lost out. This uncaring Government must now reflect on this disgraceful decision and their priorities."

Anyone struggling with the cost of living can find out more about the support available locally, including a list of warm and welcoming places online.

A further announcement, including how residents can access help, will be made once the decision on how to allocate the latest Household Support Fund is taken.