Council pledges to improve customer experience

blue heart and words' making bexley even better'

The London Borough of Bexley puts customers at the heart of what it does. Having listened to our residents, businesses and staff, we are launching our new Customer Experience Strategy to improve how we engage with our customers.

The public consultation saw nearly 700 people complete the online survey and dozens more participate in focus groups. Feedback highlighted the need for a more efficient and personalised customer experience, with customers feeling heard and confident that something was being done. In particular, they asked for a wider range of inclusive communication methods, more direct community engagement, for council services to work better together, and to be treated with courtesy and respect. This new strategy aims to do just that.

The Customer Experience Strategy sets out three key commitments to our customers:

  1. We will provide clear information about our services and how you can access them
  2. We will be clear about what services you can access and whether there are any charges for them
  3. If we are unable to provide you with the service you need, we will support you to identify those who may be able to help

Underpinning the three commitments are three principles of working that will enable us to deliver the best possible outcomes to our customers:

  1. We will treat you with courtesy and respect and expect the same in return
  2. We will constantly listen and learn about the diverse needs of our borough and ensure that we provide inclusive, accessible services to you
  3. We will spend our limited resources wisely and well, working efficiently to make the most of our resources

The impact will be reviewed through quarterly stakeholder meetings, an annual customer experience survey and the publication of an annual report to show how well the outcomes have been achieved.

Cllr David Leaf, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources, said: 

Our customers – our residents, businesses and staff - are at the heart of what we do. We are determined to improve the experiences they have when they contact us. We have listened to their feedback and have developed a new four year strategy to modernise and improve the way we engage with our residents.”