Open Public Notices 9 October 2024

public notices

Here are this week's Public Notices, helping to keep you informed about new developments in the community.

The London Borough of Bexley Designation of an Area for Selective Licensing Section 80, Housing Act 2004

Temporary Restriction of Vehicular Traffic Order 2024

  • Blackfen Road, Sidcup - Notice of Intention
  • Gravel Hill, Erith Road, Bexleyheath - Notice of Intention
  • Cloudesley Road, Rydal Drive, Long Lane, Bexleyheath - Notice of Intention
  • Northall Road, Bexleyheath - Notice of Making an Order
  • Sedgemere Road, Abbey Wood - Notice of Making an Order
  • Lessness Avenue and Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath - Notice of Making an Order
  • Heath Avenue, Powys Close, Bexley - Notice of Making an Order
  • Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere - Notice of Making an Order
  • Annandale Road, Sidcup - Notice of Intention
  • Wansunt Road, Bexley - Notice of Intention
  • Crescent Road, Erith - Notice of Intention

The Bexley (Prescribed Routes) (County Gate) Traffic Order 2024

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 23 Pedestrian Crossings

The Bexley (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. XX) Traffic Order 2024

The London Borough of Bexley Designation of an Area for Selective Licensing Section 80, Housing Act 2004

The London Borough of Bexley in exercise of their powers under section 80 of the Housing Act 2004 (“the Act”) hereby designates for selective licensing the area described in paragraph 4 and annex A.

Citation, Commencement and Duration

  1. This designation may be cited as the London Borough of Bexley Designation for an Area for Selective Licensing.
  2. The licensing scheme will be known as The London Borough of Bexley Selective Licensing Scheme 2024 “The Scheme”
  3. This designation is made on the 3 October 2024 and shall come into force on the 13 January 2025.
  4. This designation shall cease to have effect on the 12 January 2030 or earlier if the London Borough of Bexley revokes the scheme under section 84 of the Act.
    Area to which the designation applies
  5. This designation shall apply to the Belvedere Ward as delineated and edged red on the map at annex A.
    Application of the designation
  6. This designation applies to any house1  which is let or occupied under a tenancy or licence within the area described in paragraph 5 unless – 
    a)    the house is a house in multiple occupation and is required to be licensed under Part 2 of the Act; 2 
    b)    The tenancy or licence has been granted by a non-profit registered provider of social housing
    c)    The tenancy or licence has granted by a profit-making registered provider of social housing in respect of social housing (within the meaning of Part 2 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008), or
    d)    the tenancy or licence of the house has been granted by a registered social landlord 3
    e)    the house is subject to an Interim or Final Management Order or an Interim and Final Empty Dwelling Management Orders under Part 4 of the Act; 
    f)    the house is subject to a temporary exemption under section 86 of the Act; or 
    g)    the house is occupied under a tenancy or licence which is exempt under the Act or the occupation is of a building or part of a building so exempt as defined in annex B;
    Effect of the designation
  7. Subject to sub paragraphs 6(a) to (g) every house in the area specified in paragraph 5 that is occupied under a tenancy or licence shall be required to be licensed under section 85 of the Act.
  8. The London Borough of Bexley will comply with the notification requirements contained in section 83 of the Act and shall maintain a register of all houses registered under this designation, as required under section 232 of the Act.
  9. WARNING: Upon the designation coming into force any person who operates a licensable property without a licence or a allows a licensed property to be occupied by more households or persons other than as authorised by a licence, is liable to prosecution and upon summary conviction is liable to an unlimited fine. The Authority may as an alternative to initiating a prosecution pursue one or more of a range of other enforcement actions including the imposition of a financial penalty of up to £30,000. When an offence has been committed an application may also be made by the Authority and/or tenant for a Rent Repayment Order to pay back up to 12 month’s rent, Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. The Authority may also make an Interim Management Order whereby the Authority would take management control of the unlicensed property. Any landlord, managing agent or other person managing or any tenant within the designated area should seek advice as whether the property is affected by the designation during the normal office hours, which are: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday to using the contact details set out below.
  10. Online Applications for the licensing scheme will open from the 5 November 2024. To obtain further information please visit the Property licensing schemes pages or call 0203 045 3456 or email

Jane Richardson

Deputy Director (Housing and Strategic Planning)

Date and authentication by the London Borough of Bexley – 3 October 2024

Annex A – Paragraph 4: Map of designation areas

Annex B – Paragraph 5(d): Exempted Tenancies or licences 4

Prohibition of occupation by law

  1. A tenancy or licence of a house or a dwelling within a house where the house or the dwelling is subject to a prohibition order made under section 20 of the Act the operation of which has not been suspended under section 23.
    Certain tenancies which cannot be assured tenancies
  2. A tenancy which cannot be an assured tenancy by virtue of section 1(2) of the Housing Act 1988 comprised in Part of Schedule 1 of the Act and which is: 
    a) a business tenancy under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 
    b) a tenancy under which the dwelling-house consists of or comprises premises, which, by virtue of a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003, may be used for the supply of alcohol (within the meaning of Section 14 of that Act) for consumption on the premises
    c) a tenancy under which agricultural land, exceeding two acres, is let together with the house 
    d) a tenancy under which the house is comprised in an agricultural holding or the holding is comprised under a farm business tenancy if it is occupied (whether as tenant or as a servant or agent of the tenant), in the case of an agricultural holding, by the person responsible for the control of the farming of the holding, and in the case of a farm business tenancy, by the person responsible for the control of the management of the holding.
    Tenancies and licences granted etc by public bodies
  3. A tenancy or licence of a house or dwelling within a house that is managed or controlled by:
    a)  a local housing authority 
    b) a police authority established under section 3 of the Police Act 1996 or the Metropolitan Police Authority established under section 5B of that Act
    c) a fire and rescue authority under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004; 
    d) a health service body within the meaning of section 4 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.
    Tenancies, licences etc regulated by other enactments
  4. A tenancy, licence or occupation of a house which is regulated under the following enactments:
    a) sections 87 to 87D of the Children Act 1989 
    b) section 43 (4) of the Prison Act 1952 
    c) section 34 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 
    d) The Secure Training Centre Rules 1998 
    e) The Prison Rules 1998
    f) The Young Offender Institute Rules 2000
    g) The Detention Centre Rules 2001 
    h) The Criminal Justice and Court Service Act 200 (Approved Premises) Regulations 2001 
    i) The Care Homes Regulations 2001 
    j) The Children’s Homes Regulations 2001
    k) The Residential Family Centres Regulations 2002.
    Certain student lettings etc
  5. A tenancy or licence of a house or a dwelling within a house – 
    a) which is managed or controlled by a specified educational establishment or is of a specified description of such establishments and
    b) the occupiers of the house or dwelling are undertaking a full time course of further or higher education at the specified establishment and
    c) the house or dwelling is being managed in conformity with an Approved Code of Practice for the management of excepted accommodation under section 233 of the Act
    Long leaseholders
  6. A tenancy of a house or a dwelling within a house provided that – 
    a) the full term of the tenancy is for more than 21 years and 
    b) the tenancy does not contain a provision enabling the landlord (or his successor his in title) to determine it other than by forfeiture, earlier than at the end of the term and 
    c) the house or dwelling is occupied by a person to whom the tenancy was granted or his successor in title or by any members of either of those person’s family.
    Certain family arrangements
  7. A tenancy or licence of a house or a dwelling within a house where:
    a) the person who has granted the tenancy or licence to occupy is a member of the family of the person who has been granted the tenancy or licence and 
    b) the person who has granted the tenancy or licence to occupy is the freeholder or long leaseholder of the house or dwelling and 
    c) the person occupies the house or dwelling as his only or main residence (and if there are two or more persons at least one of them so occupies). 
    Holiday lets
  8. A tenancy or licence of a house or a dwelling within a house that has been granted to the person for the purpose of a holiday.
    Certain lettings etc by Resident Landlord etc
  9. A tenancy or licence of a house or a dwelling within a house under the terms of which the person granted the tenancy or licence shares the use of any amenity with the person granting that tenancy or licence or members of that person’s family. An “amenity” includes a toilet, personal washing facilities, a kitchen or a living room but excludes any area used for storage, a staircase, corridor or other means of access.
  10. In this annex: 
    a) “person” includes” persons”, where the context is appropriate.
    b) “tenancy” or “licence” includes “a joint tenancy” or “joint licence”, where the context is appropriate.
    c) “long leaseholder” in paragraph 7 (ii) has the meaning conferred in paragraphs 6 (i) and (ii) and in those paragraphs the reference to “tenancy” means a “long lease.
    d) a person is a member of the family of another person if – 
    (i) he lives with that person as a couple 
    (ii) one of them is the relative of the other; or 
    (iii) one of them is, or is a relative of, one member of a couple and the other is a relative the other member of the couple 
    (iv) For the purpose of this paragraph – 
    1) “couple” means two persons who are married to each other or live together as husband and wife or in an equivalent arrangement in the case of persons of the same sex 
    2) “relative” means a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or cousin 
    3) a relationship of the half-blood is to be treated as a relationship of the whole blood and 
    4) a stepchild of a person is to be treated as his child


  1. For the definition of “house” see sections 79 and 99 of the Act
  2. Section 55 of the Act defines which Houses in Multiple Occupation are required to be licensed under the Act. See also The Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (England) Order 2018  (SI2018/221)
  3. Section 79(3) of the Act. For the definition of a Registered Social Landlord see Part 1 of the Housing Act 1996 (England) Order 2006
  4. As per The Selective Licensing of Houses (Specified Exemptions) (England) Order 2006

Temporary Restriction of Vehicular Traffic Order 2024

Blackfen Road, Sidcup - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable carriageway resurfacing by a Council contractor on behalf of London Borough of Bexley they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Blackfen Road from outside and opposite 365 to outside and opposite 439 Blackfen Road, Sidcup
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Overton Court from the junction with Blackfen Road to the side of 393 Blackfen Road, Sidcup
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Ramillies Road from the junction with Blackfen Road to the junction with Clayworth Close, Sidcup
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Westerham Drive at the junction with Blackfen Road
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) as detailed in schedule one of this order.
  2. The Order will come into effect on 23 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 2 days.
  3.  Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via:
    -  Westwood Lane – Bellegrove Road – Welling High Street – Park View Road – Danson Road – Danson Underpass – Blackfen Road and reverse
    - Access to be maintained for residents and emergency vehicles of Overton Court, Ramillies Road and Westerham Drive
  4.  Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to: Area Team South 020 8303 7777.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Schedule One

  • Blackfen Road, Sidcup from outside and opposite 365 to outside and opposite 439 Blackfen Road, Sidcup
  • Overton Road, Sidcup from the junction with Blackfen Road to side of 393 Black Fen Road, Sidcup
  • Ramillies Road, Sidcup from junction with Blackfen Road to junction with Clayworth Close, Sidcup

Gravel Hill, Erith Road, Bexleyheath - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable highway improvement works by a Council contractor on behalf of London Borough of Bexley they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    •    Prohibition of traffic (road closure) in Gravel Hill from the junction with Albion Road to the junction with the Broadway, Bexleyheath, Northbound and Southbound as and when required
    Prohibition of traffic in Albion Road (road closure) from Gravel Hill, Bexleyheath Westbound and Eastbound as and when required
    Prohibition of traffic (directional road closure) in Erith Road at the junction with the Broadway, Bexleyheath for northbound traffic
    No Waiting no loading in Erith Road from 30 meters up to and including 30 meters into the junction with the Broadway, Bexleyheath
  2. The Order will come into effect on 21 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 19 days.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via:
    - Broadway – Highland Road – Albion Road
    - Gravel Hill – Broadway – Highland Road
    - Broadway – Arnsberg Way – Mayplace Road West
    - Gravel Hill – Albion Road – Highland Road – Broadway
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Engineering Services, Civic Offices, Bexleyheath on 020 8303 7777. 

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Cloudesley Road, Rydal Drive, Long Lane, Bexleyheath - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable gas mains replacement by JDT Utilities on behalf of Southern Gas Networks they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - Prohibition of traffic (Road Closure) in Cloudesley Road at the junction with Long Lane, Bexleyheath
    - Prohibition of traffic (Road Closure) in Rydal Drive at the junction with Long Lane, Bexleyheath
    - No waiting no loading as detailed in schedule one of this order
  2. The Order will come into effect on 17 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 6 weeks.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via:
    Cloudesley Road Diversion
    - Long Lane – Cumberland Drive – Little Heath Road – Dunwich Road – Cloudesley Road
    - Bedonwell Road – Dunwich Road – Cloudesley Road
    Rydal Drive Diversion
    - Long Lane - Heversham Drive – Rydal Drive
    - Bedonwell Road – Belmont Road – Heversham Road – Rydal Drive
  4.  Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Southern Gas Networks on 07816 250739.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Schedule One

  • Cloudesley Road, Bexleyheath on both sides of carriageway from 30 meters up to and including junction with Long Lane, Bexleyheath
  • Rydal Drive, Bexleyheath on both sides of carriageway from 30 meters up to and including junction with Long Lane, Bexleyheath
  • Long Lane, Bexleyheath Both sides of carriageway from the junction with Cloudesley Road to the junction with Rydal Drive, Bexleyheath

Northall Road, Bexleyheath - Notice of Making an Order

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that an order has been made, to enable carriageway resurfacing works by a Council Contractor on behalf of London Borough of Bexley, the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of traffic (road closure) in Northall Road from outside number 96 to the junction with Manor Way, Bexleyheath
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) in Northall Road from outside number 96 to the junction with Manor Way, Bexleyheath
  2. The Order will come into effect on 10 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 5 Days
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be provided via Barnehurst Road – Mayplace Road East – Manor Way and reverse
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Area Team South on 020 8303 7777.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Sedgemere Road, Abbey Wood - Notice of Making an Order

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that an order has been made, carriageway resurfacing work by a Council contractor on behalf of London Borough of Bexley, the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Sedgemere Road from the junction with Sydney Road to the junction with Overton Road, Abbey Wood
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) in Sedgemere Road from the junction with Sydney Road to the junction with Overton Road, Abbey Wood
  2. The Order will come into effect on 16 October 2024  and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 5 days.
  3.  Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be provided via Felixstowe Road – Boxgrove Road – Eynsham Drive – Harrow Manorway – Overton Road and reverse.
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Stewart Bushnell, Highways and Amenity Services, Foots Cray Offices, Maidstone Road, Foots Cray, Kent DA14 5HS on 0203 045 4605.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Lessness Avenue and Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath - Notice of Making an Order

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that an order has been made, to enable JDT Utilities on behalf of Southern Gas Networks to undertaking their Gas Mains Replacement works, the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of traffic on Lessness Avenue, Bexleyheath
    - prohibition of traffic on Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath
    - waiting restriction and Loading prohibition on Lessness Avenue, Bexleyheath from the junction with Canberra Road to the junction with Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath
    - waiting restriction and Loading prohibition on Marley Avenue for the entire length of the road, both sides of the carriageway.
    Restrictions will be removed when not required.
  2. The Order will come into effect on 14 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 5 weeks.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be provided via:
    - Lessness Avenue, Bexleyheath
    - Brampton Road, Abbotts Walk, Powys Close, Lessness Avenue and reverse
    - Marley Avenue, Bexleyheath
    - Lessness Avenue, Canberra Road, Heath Avenue, and reverse
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Southern Gas Networks on 0788782538.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Heath Avenue, Powys Close, Bexley - Notice of Making an Order

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that an order has been made, to enable gas mains replacement by JDT Utilities on behalf of Southern Gas Networks, the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of traffic (road closure) for entire length of Heath Avenue, Bexley
    - prohibition of traffic (road closure) for entire length of Powys Close, Bexley
    Restrictions to be removed when not required
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) as detailed in schedule one of this order
  2. The Order will come into effect on 14 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 6 weeks.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be provided via:
    Heath Avenue
    - Canberra Road – Lessness Avenue – Powys Close – Heath Avenue and reverse
    Powys Close
    - Abbotts Walk -Brampton Road – West Heath Road – Canberra Road – Lessness Avenue – Powys Close and reverse
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Southern Gas Networks on 07887 825389.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Schedule One

  • Heath Avenue, Bexley for entire length both of carriageway
  • Powys Close, Bexley from junction with Heath Avenue to outside number 6 both sides of carriageway

Parsonage Manorway, Belvedere - Notice of Making an Order

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that an order has been made, to enable carriageway resurfacing work by a Council contractor on behalf of London Borough of Bexley, the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of vehicular traffic (road closure) in Parsonage Manorway from the junction with Bedonwell Road to the junction with Brook Street, Belvedere
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) in Parsonage Manorway from the junction with Bedonwell Road to the junction with Brook Street, Belvedere
  2. The Order will come into effect on 14 October 2024  and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 11 Days.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be provided via:
    - Bedonwell Road – Nuxley Road - Albert Road– Erith Road – Brook Street
    - Brook Street – Erith Road – Nuxley Road – Bedonwell Road
    - Bedonwell Road – Belmont Road – Brook Street and reverse
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Stewart Bushnell, Highways and Amenity Services, Foots Cray Offices, Maidstone Road, Foots Cray, Kent DA14 5HS on 0203 045 4605.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Annandale Road, Sidcup - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable a new water connection by Morrisons water services on behalf of Thames Water they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of:
    - prohibition of traffic (road closure) in Annandale Road from number 51 to number 57 Annandale Road, Sidcup
    - no waiting no loading (parking restrictions) in Annandale Road from number 51 to number 57 Annandale Road, Sidcup
  2. The Order will come into effect on 21 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 9 days.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via:
    - Annandale Road – Woodlands Avenue – Halfway Street – Days Lane and reverse
    -  Days Lane – Oaklands Avenue – Harborough Avenue
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Thames Water on 0800 3169800.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Wansunt Road, Bexley - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable Southern Gas Networks to lay new services, they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of prohibition of traffic outside 59 ad 59a Wansunt Road, Bexley.
  2. The Order will come into effect on 21 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 5 days.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via, Heath Road and vice versa.
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to TGL on 0800 6444 114.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Crescent Road, Erith - Notice of Intention

  1. The London Borough of Bexley, being the Traffic Authority for the above-mentioned road, in exercise of powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Hereby Give Notice that, to enable the installation of a manhole by Cappagh on behalf of Thames Water they intend to make an Order the effects of which will be the introduction of prohibition of traffic (road closure) outside numbers 38 to 41 Crescent Road, Erith.
  2. The Order will come into effect on 21 October 2024 and is valid for a period of 18 months. However, the works are expected to be completed within 14 days.
  3. Whilst the works are in progress alternative routes will be via Crescent Road – Manor Road – Appold Street and reverse.
  4. Nothing in this Notice will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden, to emergency service vehicles, or to vehicles being used in connection with the works.
  5. The restrictions described above will apply only during such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by traffic signs as prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

Further enquiries in respect of this notice should be addressed to Cappagh on 020 8947 4000 (Option 3).

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

The Bexley (Prescribed Routes) (County Gate) Traffic Order 2024

  1. Notice Is Hereby Given that the Council of the London Borough of Bexley propose to make the above-mentioned Order under sections 6, and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by Section 8 of and Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the Local Government Act 1985.
  2. The general effect of the Bexley (Prescribed Routes) (County Gate) Traffic Order 2024 would be to Introduce a prohibition of all traffic except cycles turning right from Footscray Road into County Gate at the Footscray Road / County Gate junction.
  3. Copies of the proposed Order stated at the head of this notice, the existing Order and Orders that have amended it or which it revokes where appropriate, the Council’s statement of reasons for making the Order and a plan indicating the length of roads to which the Order relates can be inspected during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, at the Contact Centre, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT.
  4. Further information may be obtained by telephoning Vinny Rey on 0203 045 5935.
  5. Any person desiring to object to the proposed Order should send a statement in writing of their objections and the grounds thereof, to the London Borough of Bexley, Traffic Services, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT or by email to within 21 days of the date of this Notice.
  6. Persons objecting to the proposed Order should be aware that this Council would be legally obliged to make any comment received in response to this Notice, open to public inspection.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Section 23 Pedestrian Crossings

Notice is hereby given that the London Borough of Bexley proposes to install new zebra crossings to Bexley Road, Erith approximately 16 metres south of the junction with Ling Road, and to Brook Street, Northumberland Heath approximately 5 metres south of the junction with Northumberland Park.

The purpose of the crossing points would be to assist accessibility to and from St Fidelis Catholic Primary School, Northumberland Heath Primary School and the surrounding roads.

NOTE: these proposals include changes to yellow lines that are advertised on a separate notice.

Further information may be obtained by telephoning Vinny Rey on 0203 045 5935.

A plan showing the locations of the proposed crossings can be viewed during normal office hours, Monday to Friday inclusive at the Contact Centre, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT.

Any person wishing to object to these proposals should send a statement in writing of their objections and the grounds thereof to the London Borough of Bexley, Engineering Services, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 7AT or by email to (including a full postal address) within 21 days of the date of this notice.

Persons objecting to the proposals should be aware that this Council would be legally obliged to make any comment received in response to this Notice, open to public inspection.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024

The Bexley (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. XX) Traffic Order 2024

  1. Notice Is Hereby Given that the Council of the London Borough of Bexley propose to make the above-mentioned Order under sections 6, and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by Section 8 of and Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the Local Government Act 1985.
  2. The general effect of the Bexley (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No XX) Traffic Order 2024 would be to Introduce new ‘At any time’ no waiting restrictions in parts of: - Bexley Road, Erith and Brook Street Northumberland Heath. Note: the proposed zebra crossing advertised in a separate notice will make alterations to school keep clear markings.
  3. Copies of the proposed Order, the corresponding Parent Order (and the Orders that have amended that Order); the Council’s Statement of Reasons for proposing to make the Order and plans which indicate the length of roads to which the Order relates can be inspected during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, at the Contact Centre, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT.
  4. Further information may be obtained by telephoning Vinny Rey on 0203 045 5935.
  5. Any person desiring to object to the proposed Order should send a statement in writing of their objections and the grounds thereof, to the London Borough of Bexley, Traffic Services, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AT or by email to within 21 days of the date of this Notice.
  6. Persons objecting to the proposed Order should be aware that this Council would be legally obliged to make any comment received in response to this Notice, open to public inspection.

Andrew Bashford

Head of Highways, Traffic and Infrastructure

Date 9 October 2024



Archive of Public Notices available on request - email