Tackling the sticky issue of chewing gum!

Gum on street

We've received some fantastic new gum removal equipment and our team are out in Bexleyheath cleaning up the chewing gum and putting up signs to prevent further gum littering.

The cleanup operation is taking place thanks to our successful bid for government funding to remove gum litter from our streets.

Chewing gum is extremely difficult and costly to remove. Estimates suggest the annual clean-up cost of chewing gum for Councils in the UK is around £7 million.

Throwing chewing gum on the ground is a littering offence and anyone witnessed doing this in the Borough will get a Fixed Penalty Notice of £300.

Look out for the new furry friends signage in Bexleyheath that aims to deter gum littering and make sure you dispose of your chewing gum properly.

Find out more about this initiative at Keep Britain Tidy