Thames Water emergency works – water main leak Sidcup Hill

Image shows roadwork signs

There has been a large water main leak in Sidcup Hill at the junction with Knoll Road/Sussex Road which has caused damage to a large area of the road surface.    

The Council must permit these repairs to take place otherwise the road would have to be closed indefinitely.  This was a sudden event so we were not able to make any advance preparations.

We have ensured that Thames Water have started repairs but unfortunately the repairs may not be complete until Friday 6 September given the extent of the damage and the time needed for concrete works to harden/cure.

Traffic (including buses) is on diversion via the A20, but we are aware that some drivers are ignoring the signs, and of course local access will be required.  We have instructed Thames Water to install additional signs and barriers.

If possible, please avoid the area to allow essential traffic to flow and reduce delays on your own journey.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these unexpected emergency works.

Enquiries or complaints should be directed to Thames Water on 0800 980 8800.