This week is London Climate Action week

Picture shows Lizzie Nelson from

To support London Climate Action Week 22 June to 30 June the Council is joining other communities around London by hosting events that focus on positive action and solutions to climate change.

Lizzie Nelson a Waste & Recycling Engagement Officer from SWAC (Bexley’s Schools Waste Action Club) is spending this week at Belvedere Junior School delivering assemblies and workshops to all classes in years 3 to 6 on various topics to do with reducing waste and climate education.

On Tuesday 25 June, Lizzie delivered lessons to year 3 on food waste education, focusing on the problems and solutions Bexley and the UK faces. Food waste is a big issue – children learnt that one third of our green general waste bins are being filled up with food that could otherwise be recycled into compost and electricity. The children participated in fun activities about food wastage along the whole production line from farm to fork.

Year 4 learnt about plastic pollution. When we litter our streets plastic ends up in our rivers and oceans. We use plastic in our daily lives so much but it’s made from oil which is a non-renewable fossil fuel. It doesn’t decompose and stays in our environment and oceans for a very long time. The children learnt that we need to reduce how much we buy to prevent further damage and harm to our planet. One child said “This is the best lesson all week!”

Every child in Belvedere Junior school is making a ‘promise to the planet’ by writing their pledge on a leaf and attaching it to a special climate action tree – an action each child can take to help be part of the climate solution.

Find out more about some of the practical actions the Council are taking to tackle climate change

If you’d like our Schools Waste Action Club to come to your school email