Rail and bus:

  • the nearest railway station is Albany Park
  • 269 and B14 bus routes stop a 5-minute walk away


  • from the A2, exit via the Danson Interchange
  • join the A221 Penhill Road. At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Foots Cray Lane and the cemetery entrance will be on the left-hand side
  • parking on-site is for permit holders only, there is no access during a funeral service

Apply for a parking permit

Opening times

  • winter (October to March) 9am to 4pm
  • summer (April to September) 9am to 6pm

The cemeteries are manned Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.

For all enquiries and further information, contact the Cemeteries Office
Telephone 020 3045 4100
Email cemeteries@bexley.gov.uk


The cemetery is closed for new full burials but is available for existing grave holders.

Public earthen plots are available for babies or non-viable foetuses (babies will be buried with other non-related babies).

Find out more about burial graves

Notice of burial full coffin or casket interment

Burial of cremated remains

There are seven gardens of remembrance:

  • Canterbury Garden of Remembrance
  • Chaucer Garden of Remembrance
  • Davenport Garden of Remembrance
  • Maylands Garden of Remembrance
  • Riverside Garden of Remembrance
  • Rose Bed Garden of Remembrance
  • St Andrew Garden of Remembrance

These plots are suitable for two sets of ashes and are owned by the Council.

The memorial is a black vase with gold writing ordered from the cemetery office.

To enquire about reserving a cremated remains plot, please contact the Cemeteries Office on 020 3045 4100.

Sidcup Cemetery