Apply for DHP and/or Cost of living support funding

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP)

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) allow the Council to provide additional assistance with rent in exceptional cases where Housing Benefit or Universal Credit does not cover a claimant's rent in full and they have a financial shortfall.


To be eligible to apply for DHP you must already be receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit with housing costs

There are no rules that give anyone a right to payment, but we will look at your circumstances to see whether you are eligible for a DHP. Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and if successful, DHPs may be awarded as a one-off payment and/or a series of payments.

The Council will treat all applications on their individual merits, and aims to use Discretionary Housing Payments to:

  • alleviate poverty
  • encourage and sustain Bexley residents in employment
  • help those who are trying to help themselves
  • keep families together
  • support the vulnerable in the local community
  • help claimants through personal crises and difficult events
Payments can be awarded for
  • deposit or rent in advance to secure a property 
  • clearing Rent Arrears
  • reduce the shortfall between benefits and rental liability
  • benefit capped applicants
  • bedroom Tax  
Payments cannot be awarded for
  • moving costs
  • furniture costs
  • storage costs 

Due to the high level of demand and the limited funding the Council currently prioritises how we award the funding. We prioritise cases where households are at risk of eviction or homelessness, where the benefit cap or removal of the spare room subsidy are causing financial difficulty or where an applicant has exceptional circumstances.

If you apply for help with rent arrears or for a deposit to secure a property you will be signposted to the Housing Options Service for a full assessment of your circumstances so that we can look at a range of options (including DHP) to provide help if you are deemed to be a priority case.

Do not use this form to report a change of circumstance regarding housing benefit or to submit documents. Please go to Help with rent or Council Tax to report a change of circumstance for housing benefit.

How to apply for DHP

Apply for DHP

If you need help or assistance to complete the form please email or call 020 3045 3700.

The Council may request any reasonable evidence in support of your claim and will consider any other available evidence held by Housing Services or Housing Benefit. The Council reserves the right to verify any information or evidence provided by the claimant in appropriate circumstances.

Help completing forms

If you have difficulty completing forms, your local Citizens Advice might be able to help you or find somewhere that can. 
You might also be able to get help from a local disability or mental health support agency:

You can also appoint a family member or friend to advocate on your behalf by providing us with signed written consent giving them the authority to discuss your case. Please be advised, you will still be legally responsible for all information provided to the Council by a third party who is advocating for you.

Our decision

In deciding whether to award a DHP, the following will be considered:

  • the shortfall between Housing Benefit/Universal Credit and the rent liability
  • any steps taken by the claimant to reduce their rental liability
  • the financial and medical circumstances of the claimant and any other occupants of the claimant's home
  • the income and expenditure of the claimant and any other occupants of the claimant's home
  • any savings or capital the claimant or their family may have
  • any outstanding debts the claimant and their family may have
  • the nature of the claimant and their family's circumstances
  • the amount available in the DHP budget at the time of the application
  • the possible impact on the Council of not making such an award, example, the pressure on priority homeless accommodation
  • any steps taken to reduce rental liability, obtain employment or increase the level of income
  • any other special circumstances that we are aware of

We will send you a letter with the outcome of your application by email wherever possible.

If the application is successful, you will be advised of the amount awarded, the start and end date and how, when and to whom the award will be paid.

If the application is unsuccessful, you will be advised of the reason for the decision and the right to appeal will be explained.

Wherever possible DHPs will be paid directly to the Landlord unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Appeals (DHP)

If you disagree with the outcome of your DHP application, you should write to or email the Council within a month of the decision letter to explain your reasons for disagreeing with the decision and request a review.

A senior officer will review all the evidence held and will make a decision whether to either uphold the original decision or overturn it and make or increase an award of DHP. You will be notified of the outcome in writing, with reasons for the decision. The decision made by the senior officer will be notified in writing and is final. If you are still not happy with the outcome, you can make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman or apply for a Judicial review.

Change of circumstances (DHP)

If we give you a DHP, you must tell us immediately if there are any changes in your circumstances.

Report a change of circumstances

This form is for reporting changes for discretionary housing payments only. If you need to report a change to the Benefits Office for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction please use the online form Report a change in circumstances or ask a question.

Cost of living support funding

The Cost of living support fund has been set up to help residents in financial hardship with food, energy and housing costs. 

The Government (Department for Works & Pensions) has allocated this funding through the Household Support Fund (HSF) to support vulnerable Bexley households who are most in need of support because of the significant rise in living costs. 

The application period for this scheme closes when the budget is spent and the terms of the scheme may change during the year depending on demand.

To be eligible for support, you must

  • be a Bexley resident aged 16 or over
  • be in financial hardship and have less than £500 in savings
  • not have access to any other funds that can be used to help alleviate your financial difficulties

All Households in the London Borough of Bexley are eligible to apply for help. Households are particularly encouraged to apply if they are struggling with the cost of living and the impact of this may result in homelessness.

We encourage applications from Disabled people impacted by the rising costs of living for the additional services they need in order to manage their conditions.

Whilst the scheme specifically excludes assistance with mortgage payments, this does not however rule homeowners out from requesting assistance with other bills should they not be in receipt of other assistance for this purpose.

The funding can be used for
  • food and home essentials
  • energy
  • water
  • essentials linked to energy and water
  • housing costs in exceptional circumstances, but not mortgages

The fund is also available for those who are not considered eligible for public funds.

The funding cannot be used for
  • Council Tax help
  • help with Mortgages or personal debts 
  • households with sufficient income or savings

The level of help we offer will be dependent on individual circumstances, and whether they have received assistance from other available schemes.

Applications will be subject to checks and validation and any individual or business found to have been making false claims will face action for repayment of sums and prosecution.

The Council may request any reasonable evidence in support of your claim and will consider any other available evidence held by Housing Services or Housing Benefit. The Council reserves the right to verify any information or evidence provided by the claimant in appropriate circumstances.

Our decision-making process

In deciding whether to award a Cost of living support fund payment, the following will be considered:

  • the shortfall the household is suffering due to the rising cost of living
  • the income and expenditure of the claimant and any other occupants of the claimant's home (including any savings they may have)
  • any outstanding debts the claimant and their family may have
  • the nature of the claimant and their family's circumstances
  • the amount available in the Household support fund (HSF) budget at the time of the application
  • whether the household has been able to access any other government support
  • any other special circumstances that we are made aware of

We will send you a letter with the outcome of your application by email wherever possible. If the application is successful, you will be advised of the amount awarded, the start and end date and how, when and to whom the award will be paid.

If the application is unsuccessful, you will be advised of the reason for the decision.

Appeals (Cost of living support fund)

If you disagree with the outcome of your Cost of living support fund application, there is no automatic right to appeal as awards are made at the discretion of the Local Authority and you should review the Cost of Living webpage to see if there are any other organisations that can help you.

Change of circumstances (Cost of living support fund)

If we give you a Cost of living support fund payment, you must tell us immediately if there are any changes in your circumstances.

Report a change of circumstances

This form is for reporting changes for the Cost of living support fund only. If you need to report a change to the Benefits Office for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction please use the online form Report a change in circumstances or ask a question.

How to apply for Cost of living support funding

The cost of living support funding form is currently closed. Further funding may become available in the future.

Help completing forms

If you have difficulty completing forms, your local Citizens Advice might be able to help you or find somewhere that can. 
You might also be able to get help from a local disability or mental health support agency:

You can also appoint a family member or friend to advocate on your behalf by providing us with signed written consent giving them the authority to discuss your case. Please be advised, you will still be legally responsible for all information provided to the Council by a third party who is advocating for you.