Decisions Post-16
Bexley is proud to have a wide range of post-16 opportunities provided by our sixth form schools, further education and sixth form colleges, and independent training providers. We encourage students and parents to explore all the possibilities available. Participating in education or training beyond the age of 16 offers an opportunity to continue learning, make friends, and gain qualifications and experience that can significantly increase their prospects for future employment and earnings potential. In these changing times, education and skills are more important than ever before in helping young people to achieve their future goals and reach their full potential.
Although young people can leave education from the last Friday in June of the school year in which they turn 16, the Government expects them to continue in approved education or training until at least their 18th birthday. This can mean undertaking an apprenticeship or studying at a further education college, sixth form, or with an independent training provider. There are many different options available, and you can choose the option that best suits your learning style. The following pages can help young people explore the options available to them in Bexley.
We wish you every success in your studies and sincerely hope that you find a pathway that enables you to continue your education or training in Bexley, building on your all your hard work, interests, and achievements.