Council Committees
Apart from representing the residents in their Ward, local councillors in the London Borough of Bexley have an important part to play as members of various committees.
What do Council Committees do?
Full Council is where all 45 councillors meet four or five times a year to discuss decisions on the Council’s most important matters, such as electing a Mayor, deciding what Committees there will be, who will be members of those Committees, topical matters affecting the Borough, and setting a budget.
Public Cabinet meets seven times a year and is chaired by the Leader of the Council, it is made up of seven other councillors, known as Cabinet Members.
Council Committees and Boards oversee and investigate the Council’s work, and sometimes that of other organisations with whom the Council works to deliver local services. These meet on various occasions throughout the year.
Councillors are also appointed to represent the Council on various outside bodies.
Agenda papers
For Council meetings, there will be an agenda listing all items to be discussed and, in most cases, other papers and reports for each item on the agenda.
An agenda is published on the Council agendas, reports and decisions website and can be accessed by selecting a meeting from the list or by selecting a meeting from the council’s calendar of meetings.
A printed copy is available for viewing in the Contact Centre, Civic Offices and in Bexleyheath, Sidcup and Welling libraries.