Our response times
We try and respond to all issues reported by residents as quickly as possible. We have provided further information below about how quickly we will respond and about our regular highways maintenance and street cleansing programmes.
We will sometimes put in place a temporary repair or resolution. The permanent repair will often be undertaken by a contractor and our contracts allow the contractor several weeks to complete the work.
Some non-urgent repairs (such as for Street Name Plates or Bins) may take longer to complete, as these can be special orders of manufacture and it is more cost-effective to arrange these in batches. Often repairs or resolutions are not the responsibility of the council and must be carried out by the specific utility service provider (BT, SGN, etc).
In these cases, we will refer the matter to them but are unable to dictate timescales for action. Where the issue is a risk to public use, we would normally carry out a temporary repair on their behalf
Enquiry timescales
General Enquiries (letters, emails, phone calls):
All enquiries are acknowledged, or where possible, a full response provided within 5 working days; or feedback provided on the status and timescale for the full response.
Cleansing Reports (including via Fix My Street)
Urgent issues (such as glass/syringes/blood/bodily fluids/oil spillage) will be passed to contractor for immediate action taken within 1 day. A response will be provided within 5 working days.
We aim to respond to non-urgent street cleansing issues to be inspected within 3 working days and to provide a response within 5 working days.
Fault Reports (including via Fix My Street):
Urgent issues (such as large trip hazards, potholes, and flooding) to be inspected and any immediate action taken within 1 day. Response provided within 5 working days.
Non-urgent issues (such as enquiries on road resurfacing, abandoned vehicles, and missing road signs) to be inspected within 3 working days and response provided within 5 working days.
Obstructions on the highway (such as vehicles, skips, vegetation):
Items which may represent a safety risk are inspected within 1 day, otherwise inspected within 3 working days and response provided within 5 working days.
Vehicle Crossover applications:
To acknowledge within 5 working days and provide a quote for works within 10 working days. Where additional works to lamp columns, trees, underground chambers, or parking controls would also be required, the quote it may take longer due to input from other internal or external parties.
We will always try to meet the timescales above, but delays may occur with cases that are more complicated (multiple teams or external agencies are involved), times when high volumes of enquires are received, and during severe weather events.
General maintenance process timescales
Footway and Carriageway Inspections for trip hazards and defects:
All footways and carriageways are inspected at least every 6 months, with locations near shopping areas inspected monthly.
Road Gullies and other drainage:
The majority of road gullies are cleaned every 6 months.
Winter maintenance (salting/gritting):
Priority routes treated as road surface temperatures are forecast to dip to zero degrees Celsius or less (the season normally runs from October to April).