Co-production and governance

As a Local Area, we are committed to working in partnership with children, young people and their families.

We will seek out, listen to and act on the views of children, young people, their parents and carers.

Hands holding jigsaw pieces

Embedding Co-Production for Transformative Outcomes

Co-production will be further embedded in our ways of working, so that every partner in the Local Area works alongside children, young people and their families to transform our services and practices to deliver positive life outcomes.

Action Plan

We will have a rolling annual action plan, linked with our SEND Priority Action Plan, setting out the specific actions we will take to deliver each of our stated ambitions. The annual review and refresh of the strategic action plan will enable flexibility in how delivery of the ambitions develops taking account of feedback from children, young people and families, and ongoing analysis of need and pressures.

Outcomes Framework

See strategic action plan for outcomes.

The SEND Improvement Board will receive quarterly updates on progress against delivery of ambitions, and related outcomes measures, enabling oversight and scrutiny.


Health & Wellbeing Board

  • NHS SEL Integrated Care Board
  • NHS SEL ICB Quality & Safeguarding Board
  • Bexley Wellbeing Partnership Committee

Children’s and Education Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Purpose: Oversee, affirm and challenge council and partner services in the SEND improvement programme. Make recommendations to Cabinet to improve services to children, young adults with SEND and their families.

Executive Core Group

Purpose: Determine funding and resource decisions. Link for escalation, sight and progress to the respective partner/ organisational Boards and the Council (LBB).

Chair/Membership: NHS SEL ICB Place Executive Lead; Directors LBB CYP/Adult SC, Public Health; Strategic Performance; Directors ICB Integrated Commissioning; NHS Directors CYP/Adults.

SEND Improvement Board

Purpose: Assure delivery of Priority Action Plan, SEND and Preparing for Adulthood Strategic Plan. Make decisions to address any barriers.

Chair/Membership: Independent Chair; multiagency partnership.

Operational Oversight Group

Purpose: Ensure actions of Priority Action Plan and Strategic Plans are implemented and impact measured.

Chair/Membership: Deputy Directors Education & ASC, Director Integrated Commissioning, Head of SEND; DCO SEND; Strategic Education partner.

Operational Oversight Group

Task & Finish Group EHCP Quality & Data

Task & Finish Group Commissioning & Therapies

Task & Finish Group Preparing for Adulthood

Task & Finish Group CYP Voice & Engagement

Purpose: To take operational actions and measure the impact of the SEND Inspection Priority Action Areas. Report to Operational Oversight Group.

Membership: Parents and Young People, LBB, ICB, NHS, Voluntary sector; Schools and other stakeholders.