
The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) London-wide priorities from the Police & Crime Plan are as follows:

  • Reducing and preventing violence
  • Increasing trust and confidence 
  • Better supporting victims
  • Protecting people from exploitation and harm

Findings from the JSA and Bexley Community Safety Survey suggest that the following 2024/25 BCSP priority areas that tackle high threat, risk and harm should be:

  • Violent Crime 
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Community Reassurance

In addition to these main priority areas, the following crosscutting topics will also be considered when tackling the named priorities. This is due to statistical and anecdotal evidence recognising the links to victims/perpetrators around these areas and the need for a coordinated partnership communication approach:

  • Substance Misuse
  • Mental Health
  • Victim Centred Approach
  • Complex Vulnerabilities
  • Communications