
Taking account of the smoking profile of Bexley and the rapidly changing landscape for managing appropriate vaping, it is important for all partners across Bexley to bring together our existing resources and levers to further reduce smoking and improve the lives of our residents. I recommend the following actions:

  • Residents in Bexley who want to quit smoking should reach out to services and sources of support at Smoke Free Bexley
  • Partners across the health and care system in Bexley should function as pioneers of good practice and consider what further measures can be taken to further reduce smoking in their local workforce
  • Health care partners should review policies which preclude smoking in and around public buildings and reduce visible smoking, developing clear policies on vaping
  • Reform the Bexley Tobacco Control Delivery Group and review the Tobacco Control Plan for Bexley 2020
  • Ensure that Bexley remains flexible in its approach to smoking cessation and tobacco control in order to comply with changing legislation, guidance, and funding pathways.
  • Use all our engagement with residents, partners, and businesses as a basis to better support residents to live happier and healthier lives by making every contact count ‘MECC'
  • Encourage commissioners across the local health and care system to consider measures that they can take through the development of new service specifications and recommissioning to reduce smoking, including the provision of smoking cessation training for frontline workers
  • Work across local partnerships to consider our approach to smoke free places in Bexley.
  • Public Health to increase engagement, communication and campaign opportunities and give residents the information, tools, and support to enable them to quit
  • Build our local intelligence regarding smoking prevalence to allow our efforts to be focused on supporting residents who experience the starkest health inequalities in Bexley and enable improved signposting to stop smoking services
  • Ensure a whole system approach to planning, training, and referral pathways between local statutory and voluntary agencies that deal with other substance misuse and addictive behaviour issues
  • Ensure our NHS health check programme continues to be a mechanism for referrals to stop smoking support and that all health and wellbeing programmes in Bexley include a smoking cessation referral pathway
  • Continue to work with trading standards and enforcement agencies to ensure that illegal tobacco products are removed from sale and that vaping products are not available to children
  • Ensure that the approach to tobacco and vaping control takes account of current and future legislation, and we continually review and adapt our policies and actions