Immediate Next Steps
We appreciate the senior political and managerial leadership will want to reflect on these findings and suggestions to determine how the organisation wishes to take things forward.
Whilst it is not mandatory for the Council to publish their report, we encourage Council’s to do so in the interests of transparency and supporting improvement in the wider sector. The LGA would like to publish this Preparation for Assurance Peer Challenge Report on the Association’s website but will only do so once we have been advised that is has been put in the public domain by the Council through its own internal governance processes.
As part of the peer challenge process, there is an offer of further activity to support this. The LGA is well placed to provide additional support, advice, and guidance on several the areas for development and improvement and we would be happy to discuss this.
Kate Herbert is the LGA Principal Adviser for the London Region and main contact between your authority and the Local Government Association. Kate’s contact details are:
Telephone: 07867 632404
Steve Tingle is the main contact for the LGA Care and Health Improvement Adviser for the London Region. Steve’s contact details are:
Telephone: 020 3838 4854
In the meantime, we are keen to continue the relationship we have formed with the Council throughout the peer challenge. We will endeavour to provide signposting to examples of practice and further information and guidance about the issues we have raised in this report to help inform ongoing consideration.