Parking annual report

Every year, we report on how we enforce safe, legal parking in Bexley. That includes things like how many Penalty Charge Notices we issue (that’s what used to be known as ‘parking tickets’ years ago). 

The report is produced in accordance with Statutory Guidance.

Annual report 2023 to 2024

Financial Information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the “Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions”.   

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, (as amended), and as modified by regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 sets out the financial provisions relating to designation orders, and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g., in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The following table is an extract of the Council’s Parking Account for 2023/24 (on-street only)      

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees530
Penalty charge income5,484
Total income6,014
Total expenditure6,014
Total surplus for 2023/240

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

Memorandum item(£000s)
Off-Street Parking Fees (does not include deduction of expenditure)2,125


Statistical information

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Parking penalty charge notices issued
Type of parking penalty charge notice issuedTotal for 2023/24 period (Financial)
Higher-level parking penalty charge notices issued40,964
Lower-level parking penalty charge notices issued17,119
Moving Traffic penalty charge notices issued31,989
All types of penalty charge notices issued90,072
All types of penalty charge notices paid, (of those issued in the same period)62,314
All types of penalty charge notices paid at a discount rate53,508
All types of penalty charge notices against which an informal challenge, (pre-Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period9,307
All types of penalty charge notices against which a formal representation, (post Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period7,861

Each year London Councils publishes performance statistics for all London Boroughs.


Parking Contraventions – top 10 highest contraventions

RankParking Contravention descriptionNumber of penalty charges issued
101: Parked on yellow lines (waiting restrictions)10,820
262: Parked on the footway / pavement9,894
312: Parked in a resident or shared use bay8,949
473: Parked in a car park without paying charge (off-street)8,465
511: Parked on-street without paying charge3,334
602: Parked on loading restrictions2,795
782: Parked in a car park after time expired (off-street)2,657
825: Parked in a loading bay without loading2,308
927: Parked in front of a dropped section of the footway / pavement1,304
1030: Parked for longer than permitted (on-street)1,166

Notice Processing – cases resolved and written off

Resolved - 23,986

A PCN is resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place or if we are unable to pursue recovery action and have to write off a case, such as when there has been an error in processing or the DVLA hold no information about the registered keeper / owner.

A total of 23,986 PCNs issued between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 were resolved for reasons other than payment as of 7 March 2025.

Archived annual reports

Annual report 2022 to 2023

Financial information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the “Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions”.

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, (as amended), and as modified by regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 sets out the financial provisions relating to designation orders, and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g., in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found at Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Parking Account

The following is an extract of the Council's Parking Account for 2022 to 2023 (on-street only).

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees849
Penalty charge income4,879
Total income5,728
Total expenditure2,777
Total surplus for 2022/232,951

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

Memorandum item(£000s)
Off-Street Parking Fees (does not include deduction of expenditure) 1,012

Statistical information

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Parking penalty charge notices issued
Type of parking penalty charge notice issuedTotal for 2022/23 period (Financial)
Higher-level parking penalty charge notices issued33,992
Lower-level parking penalty charge notices issued13,380
Moving Traffic penalty charge notices issued30,083
All types of penalty charge notices issued77,455
All types of penalty charge notices paid, (of those issued in the same period)58,115
All types of penalty charge notices paid at a discount rate32,779
All types of penalty charge notices against which an informal challenge, (pre-Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period7,823
All types of penalty charge notices against which a formal representation, (post Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period7,715

Each year London Councils publishes performance statistics for all London Boroughs.

Top 10 parking contraventions

The following table highlights the top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions).

Top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions)
Contravention DESCRIPTIONNumber of penalty charge notices issued
Parked on yellow lines (waiting restrictions)8,693
Parked on the footway / pavement7,327
Parked in a resident or shared use bay6,484
Parked in a car park without paying charge5,895
Parked on-street without paying charge3,626
Parked on loading restrictions2,760
Parked in a loading bay without loading2,381
Parked in a car park after time expired1,515
Parked in front of a dropped section of the footway/pavement1,014
Parked in an Electric Vehicle Charging bay (when not being charged)958

Penalty Charge Notice Statistics

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, a total of 9,214 were resolved/written off within the same period.

Resolved - 2,917

A PCN is resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place.

Written off - 6,297

A PCN is written off when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment.  For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper or when there has been an error in the issue or progression which prevents further recovery action being taken.

A total of 9,214 PCNs issued between 01/04/2022 and 31/03/2023 were resolved / cancelled as of 21/11/2023.

Annual report 2021 to 2022

Financial information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the 'Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions'.

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, (as amended), and as modified by regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 sets out the financial provisions relating to designation orders, and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g., in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found at Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Parking Account

The following is an extract of the Council's Parking Account for 2021 to 2022 (on-street only).

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees596
Penalty charge income4,713
Total income5,309
Total expenditure2,034
Total surplus for 2021/223,275

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

Memorandum item(£000s)
Off-Street Parking Fees (does not include deduction of expenditure) 480
Miscellaneous income603
Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Parking penalty charge notices issued
Type of parking penalty charge notice issuedTotal for 2021/22 period (Financial)
Higher-level parking penalty charge notices issued38,999
Lower-level parking penalty charge notices issued12,338
Moving Traffic penalty charge notices issued14,768
All types of penalty charge notices issued66,105
All types of penalty charge notices paid, (of those issued in the same period)45,849
All types of penalty charge notices paid at a discount rate39,801
All types of penalty charge notices against which an informal challenge, (pre-Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period8,646
All types of penalty charge notices against which a formal representation, (post Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period3,700

The following table highlights the top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions).

Top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions)
Parked on yellow lines (waiting restrictions)10,417
Parked on the footway/pavement8,797
Parked in a resident or shared use bay6,363
Parked in a car park without paying charge5,588
Parked on-street without paying charge3,140
Parked on loading restrictions2,563
Parked in a loading bay without loading2,310
Parked in a car park after time expired1,580
Parked in an Electric Vehicle charging bay (when not being charged)1,371
Parked in front of a dropped section of the footway/pavement1,203

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, a total of 4,399 were resolved/written off within the same period.

Resolved - 3,816

A PCN is resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place.

Written off - 583

A PCN is written off when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment.  For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper or when there has been an error in the issue or progression which prevents further recovery action being taken

Each year London Councils publishes parking enforcement and appeals statistics for all London Boroughs.

Annual report 2020 to 2021

Financial information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the 'Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions'.

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, (as amended), and as modified by regulation 25 of the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 sets out the financial provisions relating to designation orders, and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g., in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found at Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Parking Account

The following is an extract of the Council's Parking Account for 2020 to 2021 (on-street only).

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees514
Penalty charge income2,360
Total income2,874
Total expenditure2,016
Total surplus for 2020/21831

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

Memorandum item(£000s)
Off-Street Parking Fees (does not include deduction of expenditure) 902
Miscellaneous income1,940

Penalty Charge Notice bands

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Parking penalty charge notices issued
Type of parking penalty charge notice issuedTotal for 2021/22 period (Financial)
Higher-level parking penalty charge notices issued33,771
Lower-level parking penalty charge notices issued7,724
Moving Traffic penalty charge notices issued8,245
All types of penalty charge notices issued49,740
All types of penalty charge notices paid, (of those issued in the same period)45,438
All types of penalty charge notices paid at a discount rate23,086
All types of penalty charge notices against which an informal challenge, (pre-Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period7,597
All types of penalty charge notices against which a formal representation, (post Notice to Owner representation), received in the same period4,884

Top 10 parking contraventions

The following table highlights the top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions).

Top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions)
Parked on the footway/pavement9,173
Parked on yellow lines (waiting restrictions)9,143
Parked in a resident or shared use bay5,342
Parked in a car park without paying charge3,056
Parked on-street without paying charge2,074
Parked on loading restrictions1,585
Parked in a loading bay without loading1,585
Parked in front of a dropped section of the footway/pavement1,213
Parked in a car park after time expired804
Stopped on a school keep clear marking744

Penalty Charge Notice Statistics

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, a total of 5,072 were resolved/written off within the same period.

Resolved - 3,336

A PCN is resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place.

Written off - 1,736

A PCN is written off when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment.  For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper or when there has been an error in the issue or progression which prevents further recovery action being taken.

Each year London Councils publishes parking enforcement and appeals statistics for London Boroughs.

Annual report 2019 to 2020

Enforcement activity

The table below is a reformatted version of the original table produced by London Councils. Each year London Councils publishes parking enforcement and appeals statistics for London Boroughs.

Enforcement activity 2019 to 2020
Enforcing authorityHigher Level Parking PCNsLower Level Parking PCNsTotal Parking PCNsBus Lane PCNsMoving Traffic PCNsTotal PCNs
Transport for London423,1450423,14527,317299,401749,863
Hammersmith & Fulham123,84927,136150,98518,13668,782237,903
Waltham Forest99,45713,107112,56422,49598,652233,711
Kensington & Chelsea121,25776,199197,45600197,456
City of London42,86511,41354,2780106,020160,298
Tower Hamlets76,15614,06290,2182,74124,736117,695
Barking & Dagenham57,8349,07766,91117,73531,118115,764

The ‘Total PCNs’ column represents the total number of parking, bus lane and moving traffic PCNS.

The table shows the performance across all London boroughs in relation to traffic and parking enforcement.  It shows that in terms of the total number of parking penalty charges issued, Bexley Council issued the third-lowest number across London. This demonstrates the Council’s continued firm but fair approach and a balance between effective enforcement of parking controls together with a reasonable and considerate approach to motorists’ requirements.

How the figures for Bexley issued higher/lower level parking and moving traffic PCNs compare between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2020
Dates PCNs issued betweenHigher Level Parking PCNsLower Level Parking PCNsTotal Parking PCNSMoving Traffic PCNsTotal PCNs
1 April 2014 to 31 March 201538,8208,80047,620N/A47,620
1 April 2015 to 31 March 201636,75010,32547,0751,37248,447
1 April 2016 to 31 March 201740,05411,35251,40612,64264,048
1 April 2017 to 31 March 201835,1919,80844,99911,36556,364
1 April 2018 to 31 March 201936,1079,64845,75511,75157,506
1 April 2019 to 31 March 202040,86812,70453,57214,08367,655

Penalty Charge Notice bands

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period

Penalty Charge Notice Statistics

Performance statistics from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020:

  • number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for on-street contraventions 49,646
  • number of PCNs issued for off-street parking contraventions 3,926
  • number of moving traffic contravention PCNs 14,083

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, a total of 4940 were resolved/cancelled within the same period.

Resolved - 3,484

A PCN is resolved when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment.  For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper, or even after our enforcement agent companies have attempted to collect the debt without success. A PCN is also resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place.

Cancelled - 1,456

A PCN is cancelled when we consider that it has been issued in error and close the case without accepting payment.

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued for on-street contraventions between 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, a total of 48,235 were paid within the same period:

  • number of PCNs paid against on-street contraventions 45,557
  • number of PCNs paid against off-street contraventions 2,678
  • number of PCNs paid (on and off-street) within discount period 32,914

Top 10 parking contraventions

There were approximately 42 separate civil parking contravention codes in use within the London Borough of Bexley in 2019 to 2020. 

The following table highlights the top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions).

Top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions)
Yellow line Parking11,216
Footway Parking9,878
Parked in a residents or shared use bay6,191
Parked without payment (Off-Street)4,843
Parked on a loading restriction3,201
Parked without payment (On-street)3,187
Parked in a loading place without loading2,892
Parked after expiry of time (Off-Street)2,152
Parked next to a dropped footway1,531
Stopped on School Keep Clear markings1,481
Total of all contraventions46,572

The table below shows the number of PCNs issued for on-street, off-street and moving traffic contraventions. This demonstrates that the main focus of Council resources for enforcement purposes is to improve motorist compliance with on-street parking controls, as anti-social parking and driving behaviour causes problems for all road users and impacts on the community.

Breakdown of PCNs issued on and off street
Breakdown of PCNs issuedTotal
Moving traffic14,083

Number of permits issued in each CPZ

Number of permits issued in each Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
AreaControlled Parking ZoneResidential PermitsBusiness PermitsVisitor Scratch Cards
Bexleyheath Town CentreA55710458
Abbey Wood StationAW183051
Sidcup StationB35948194
Welling StationD133597
Crayford StationE1835147
Erith Town CentreER77339
Falconwood StationF34011
Bexleyheath StationG42611358
Bexley VillageH2338121
Albany ParkJ75071
New Eltham StationN131054
Pinnacle HillP49024
Sidcup Town CentreS1141993
Welling Town CentreW130081
West SidcupWS46026

Financial information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the 'Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions'.

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 sets out the Financial provisions relating to designation orders and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g. in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found at Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Parking Account

The following is an extract of the Council's Parking Account for 2019 to 2020 (on-street only).

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees1,263
Permit fees1,889
Penalty charge income2,937
Total income6,089
Total expenditure1,794
Net Surplus for the year
Net Surplus for the year(£000s)
Balance brought forward0
Application of fund surplus in 2018/194,295
Balance carried forward0

Application of Fund Surplus towards the following schemes:

Capital Expenditure at 31 March 2019
Capital Expenditure at 31 March 2019(£000s)
On-street parking project80
Revenue Budget
Revenue Budget(£000s)
Traffic and road safety schemes contractor costs11
Highways revenue2,321
Traffic revenue57
Transport revenue44
Street Lighting0
Road safety – Special Campaigns14
Road Safety – Training Schemes0
School Travel Plans40
Total application of surplus4,295

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

  • off-street parking fees (does not include deduction of expenditure) £1,051
  • miscellaneous income £253

Annual report 2018 to 2019

Enforcement activity

The table below is a reformatted version of the original table produced by London Councils. Each year London Councils publishes parking enforcement and appeals statistics for London Boroughs.

Enforcement activity 2018 to 2019
Enforcing authorityHigher Level Parking PCNsLower Level Parking PCNsTotal Parking PCNsBus Lane PCNsMoving Traffic PCNsTotal PCNs
Transport for London425,8030425,80314,620207,103647,526
Hammersmith & Fulham122,10326,703148,80620,49561,747231,048
Waltham Forest88,20512,068100,2735,15598,204203,632
City of London43,9769,12253,0980150,253203,351
Kensington & Chelsea123,18276,822200,00400200,004
Tower Hamlets75,55017,99793,4572,27321,945117,765
Barking & Dagenham47,5046,53854,04219,50438,654112,200

The ‘Total PCNs’ column represents the total number of parking, bus lane and moving traffic PCNs.

The table shows the performance across all London boroughs in relation to traffic and parking enforcement. It shows that in terms of the total number of parking penalty charges issued, Bexley Council issued the third-lowest number across London. This demonstrates the Council’s continued firm but fair approach and a balance between effective enforcement of parking controls together with a reasonable and considerate approach to motorists’ requirements.

How the figures for Bexley issued higher/lower level parking and moving traffic PCNs compare between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2019
Dates PCNs issued betweenHigher Level Parking PCNsLower Level Parking PCNsTotal Parking PCNSMoving Traffic PCNsTotal PCNs
1 April 2014 to 31 March 201538,8208,80047,620N/A47,620
1 April 2015 to 31 March 201636,75010,32547,0751,37248,447
1 April 2016 to 31 March 201740,05411,35251,40612,64264,048
1 April 2017 to 31 March 201835,1919,80844,99911,36556,364
1 April 2018 to 31 March 201936,1079,64845,75511,75157,506

Penalty Charge Notice bands

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious

Penalty Charge Notice bands for higher/more serious and lower/less serious
Penalty charge bandsHigher/more seriousLower/less serious
Band A (penalty charges issued within Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment period£80.00 reduced to £40.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Band B (penalty charges issued outside of the Bexleyheath Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone)£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period
Moving Traffic Contraventions£130.00 reduced to £65.00 if paid within reduced payment periodN/A
Off Street / Car Park penalty charges£110.00 reduced to £55.00 if paid within reduced payment period£60.00 reduced to £30.00 if paid within reduced payment period

Penalty Charge Notice Statistics

Performance statistics from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019:

  • number of PCNs issued for on-street contraventions 42,570
  • number of PCNs issued for off-street parking contraventions 3,185
  • number of moving traffic contravention PCNs 11,751

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, a total of 7,559 were resolved/cancelled within the same period.

Resolved - 6,644

A PCN is resolved when we are unable to pursue the penalty and close the case without accepting payment. For example, when the DVLA has no information about the registered keeper, or even after our enforcement agent companies have attempted to collect the debt without success. A PCN is also resolved when we accept a challenge or representation made on statutory grounds or mitigating circumstances. For example, a vehicle parked in a loading bay and a delivery note provided proving loading/unloading was taking place. 

Cancelled - 915

A PCN is cancelled when we consider that it has been issued in error and close the case without accepting payment.

The following figures are based on those identified within the issue period, e.g. of the number of PCNs issued for on-street contraventions between 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, a total of 35,463 were paid within the same period.

  • number of PCNs paid against on-street contraventions 35,463
  • number of PCNs paid against off-street contraventions 4,326
  • number of PCNs paid (on and off-street) within discount period 30,430

Top 10 parking contraventions

There were approximately 42 separate civil parking contravention codes in use within the London Borough of Bexley in 2017 to 2018.

Top 10 most contravened parking controls (excluding moving traffic contraventions)
Yellow line Parking10,726
Footway Parking9,217
Parked in a residents or shared use bay4,946
Parked without payment (Off-Street)3,981
Parked in a loading place without loading2,674
Parked on a loading restriction2,162
Parked after expiry of time (Off-Street)1,997
Parked next to a dropped footway1,787
Stopped on School Keep Clear markings1,669
Parked without payment (On-Street)1,301
Total of all contraventions40,460

The table below shows the number of PCNs issued for on-street, off-street and moving traffic contraventions. This demonstrates that the main focus of Council resources for enforcement purposes is to improve motorist compliance with on-street parking controls, as anti-social parking and driving behaviour causes problems for all road users and impacts on the community.

Breakdown of PCNs issued on and off street
Breakdown of PCNs issuedTotal
Moving traffic11,751

Number of permits issued in each CPZ

Number of permits issued in each Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
Area and Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)Residential PermitsBusiness PermitsVisitor Scratch Cards
Bexleyheath Town Centre - A68014446
Abbey Wood Station - AW189047
Sidcup Station - B39455201
Welling Station - D1475141
Crayford Station - E2173133
Erith Town Centre - ER89643
Falconwood Station - F32018
Bexleyheath Station - G46417416
Bexley Village - H24813156
Albany Park - J77071
Barnehurst - K1192115
New Eltham Station - N125080
Pinnacle Hill - P58018
Sidcup Town Centre - S1433394
Welling Town Centre - W170095
West Sidcup - WS57036

Financial information

Section 87 of the Traffic Management  Act  2004 provides for guidance to be supplied by the Secretary of State in relation to civil parking enforcement and as set down in Sections 113 through to 117 of the 'Secretary of State’s guidance to Local Authorities on the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions'.

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 sets out the Financial provisions relating to designation orders and specifies how any surplus must be spent, e.g. in the provision or maintenance of off-street parking, highway improvements, etc. Further details can be found at Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Parking Account

The following is an extract of the Council's Parking Account for 2018 to 2019 (on-street only).

Total Parking Account
Total Parking Account(£000s)
Parking fees1,788
Penalty charge income4,361
Total income6,149
Total expenditure1,542
Net Surplus for the year
Net Surplus for the year(£000s)
Balance brought forward0
Application of fund surplus in 2018/194,607
Balance carried forward0

Application of Fund Surplus towards the following schemes:

Capital Expenditure at 31 March 2019
Capital Expenditure at 31 March 2019(£000s)
On-street parking project190
Revenue Budget
Revenue Budget(£000s)
Traffic and road safety schemes contractor costs0
Highways revenue2,411
Traffic revenue87
Transport revenue71
Street Lighting18
Road safety – Special Campaigns7
Road Safety – Training Schemes0
School Travel Plans28
Total application of surplus4,607

Memorandum item for information only (this section does not form part of the Parking Account as off-street income is not bound by the provisions of Section 55 as above).

  • off-street parking fees (does not include deduction of expenditure) £881
  • miscellaneous income £228