Offers of places

If you apply online, you will receive an email during the evening of 16 April 2025, and you will be able to view the outcome of your application online and accept the offer online. If you have downloaded and registered on the ParentComm app, you will be able to see the offer on the app.

If you are offered one of the schools listed as a preference school, you will not receive a separate letter.

A letter will be sent by first class post to all applicants who applied on a paper form or could not be offered any of the schools listed as a preference on 16 April 2025. If you receive an offer for your first preference school, it will be assumed that you are accepting the offer, and you should only respond if declining the offer. Any applicant not offered their first preference will be given two weeks to accept or decline the place offered.

If you do not reply by 2 May 2025, the offer may be withdrawn.

If we cannot offer your child a place at one of your preferred schools, we will offer the closest school or one within a reasonable travelling distance to your home address that has a vacancy. You can also ask whether other schools still have vacancies. If you live outside Bexley, your home local authority is responsible for offering you a school place.

If it is not possible to offer a place at the schools you prefer, you will be informed of your right of appeal.

You are advised to think carefully before declining any offer of a school place. The offer you receive will be the best available at the time, even if you are not offered your first preference school. Accepting the offer made does not affect your right of appeal for a higher preference school or your child’s position on the waiting list. If you decline the place offered, you risk your child being left without a school place near your home. If you do not accept a school place, you must inform us which school your child will be attending from September 2025.