Nursery schools Find out about our nursery schools and when to apply for a place Primary schools Find out about our primary schools and when to apply for a place Secondary schools Find out about our secondary schools and when to apply for a place Selection tests Selection tests assess whether grammar school is a suitable option for your child In-year applications Find out what to do if you want your child to go to a different school during the school year or if you are new to Bexley and need to apply for a school place School term and holiday dates Term and holiday dates for schools in the borough Free school meals If you get certain welfare benefits, you can apply for free school meals for your child Post-16 education Information about your choice of learning routes, all of which lead to valuable qualifications and can progress to further study Special educational needs and disabilities A child or young person has special educational needs (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or a disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them Early years education Early years education is for children aged four and under School uniform and clothing grant If you are in exceptional circumstances and get certain welfare benefits, you can apply for a school uniform and clothing grant for your child School attendance Chaperone licence, child employment and report children missing education Elective Home Education Find out information about educating your child at home School place planning Commissioning Plans for the provision of education and Special Educational Needs (SEN) school places Annual reports to the schools adjudicator Our annual admissions report to the Schools Adjudicator Bexley Education Traded Services (BSN) The One-Stop Shop for schools and educational settings to purchase services and training Children's University Find out about the London South East Children’s University programme and how to get involved Born Ready, School Ready, Bexley Ready Guidance for families to help children get ready for school Schools Superzones Bexley is creating healthier and safer places for children and young people to live, learn and play Holiday activities and food programme Bexley’s program offers holiday activities and free meals for children School governors Find out what school governors do and how you can become one Top