What the data told us

The data is clear, there are significant health inequalities in Bexley.

Residents living in the most deprived areas of Bexley have significantly worse health outcomes across a range of measures compared to those living in the least deprived areas, and largely when compared to England.

For up to date information and data about a range of population, health, and wider outcomes, including crime and community safety, housing, deprivation, economy and employment, children and young people, housing and the environment, visit Bexley Data Observatory.

Magnifying glass

Children and Young People

Indicators and data for children and young people
Indicator The least deprived areas of Bexley The most deprived areas in Bexley England average
Emergency admissions for injuries under 5 89.7 per 100,000 105.1 per 100,000 119.3 per 100,000
Life expectancy at birth (female) 82.3 years 84.4 years 82.7 years
Life expectancy at birth (male) 76.7 years 81.9 years 78.7 years
Income deprivation affecting children 6.9% 26.6% 17.1%

Source: Fingertips, Public health data, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

Ageing well

Indicators and data for ageing well
Indicator The least deprived areas of Bexley The most deprived areas in Bexley England average
Flu vaccination coverage ages 65+ 76.8% 59.0% 82.3%
Hospital admissions for alcohol attributable contributions 25.8% lower than England 11.7% higher than England 100%
Breast cancer screening coverage 71.6% 39.3% 65.2%
Deaths from circulatory disease under 75 34.3% lower than England 40.5% higher than England 100%
Proportion aged 65+ 19.3% 11.2% 18.4%

Source: Fingertips, Public health data, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and Census 2021, Office for National Statistics (ONS)


Indicators and data for obesity
Indicator The least deprived areas of Bexley The most deprived areas in Bexley England average
Reception: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) 18.7% 27.6% 22.6%
Reception: Prevalence of obesity 6.7% 13.5% 9.9%
Year 6: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) 32.2% 45.0% 35.8%
Year 6: Prevalence of obesity 18.9% 29.2% 21.6%

Source: Fingertips, Public health data, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

Mental health

Indicators and data for mental health
Indicator The least deprived areas of Bexley The most deprived areas in Bexley England average
Prevalence of depression 8.7% 13.6% 13.7%
Adults referrals to secondary mental health services 7.4 per 1,000 21.3 per 1,000 6.9 per 1,000
Children presenting in mental health crisis 5.8 per 10,000 19.0 per 10,000 Not available
Suspected suicide rate 5.5 per 100,000 15.8 per 100,000 10.4 per 100,000
Referrals to IAPT talking therapies 1.5% 2.7% 1.5%

Source: Fingertips, Public health data, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)

A note on the data: indicators were compared between the weighted average of the 20% most deprived areas (according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation) compared to the average of the 20% least deprived areas.