- Foreword and introduction
- Executive Summary
- Partnership delivery in 2023
- A 'Public Health' approach to violent crime
- Our community
- Serious Violence Duty
- Violence and Vulnerability Reduction Action Plan
- School 'inclusion' policy
- Key considerations
- Co-ordinated communications
- Appendix A - Serious violence crime data and context
- Appendix B - Serious violence SNA summary
- Serious violence offences (Non-DA) - two year comparison
- Domestic abuse SV offences - two year comparison
- Appendix C - Useful links
- Appendix D - Glossary of terms
- Appendix E - Partnership delivery in 2023
Violence and Vulnerability Reduction Action Plan
Each of these themes contains associated actions and outcomes alongside named CSP leads and the lead organisation/s including the Police, Local Authority and National Probation Service (NPS). The most recent template of the plan added Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG) as a specific themed area and VAWG sits within the CSPs Violent Crime priority.
The plan explains what actions are currently being done by the CSP and what can be introduced easily and quickly. Some actions are generic across the whole of London, whilst some will be bespoke to CSPs depending on the risk in the area and the resources available to deliver against it.
As the intention is to gain an understanding of the gaps that currently exist, CSPs have also been asked to include potential ‘developing actions’ to provide an indication of any local bespoke aspirational approaches that could be further developed in time and following consultation with partners.
The VVRAP is essentially the delivery arm of this strategy and is delivered in Bexley by the BCSP Serous Violence Working Group. They report quarterly with ‘RAG’ rated action plan updates to the BCSP Executive Group (who own and monitor the plan), where risks and issues can be raised further. These updates are periodically reviewed by the Mayor’s Office for Police & Crime (MOPAC) and best practice shared among other local authorities.