Noise nuisance
If you are experiencing a serious noise disturbance and have been unable to resolve the matter, let us know.
The types of complaints we can help with are:
- loud music
- barking dog and other animals
- parties
- fixed machinery
- construction/demolition
- fireworks
- house/fire alarm
- people noise
- TV/radio
- vehicle deliveries
- vehicle repairs
Complete a diary sheet to record details of the noise:
- note down the start and stop times
- note down the address where the nuisance comes from
- you may need to swear in court that they are an accurate record
- include a record of when you are away for at least one day
- keep the diary for at least one week but two or three weeks would be better
- don't forget your name and address at the top of the sheet
- we will normally share any information you provide with other departments within the Council and the Police unless you tell us that you do not wish us to do so
Make sure that you:
- describe the type of nuisance that you are being subjected to (e.g. loud radio, dogs barking)
- describe how bad the nuisance levels are (e.g. could not hear television). It is important that you do not exaggerate
- include the effects that the nuisance has on your life (e.g. not able to sleep)
Procedure for investigating complaints
Noise nuisance
- a complaint is received
- a complaint package is sent to you to including a diary sheet to record details of the noise
- diary sheets should be returned for assessment of any statutory nuisance
- a letter is sent to the alleged offender
- if further problems are experienced these should be recorded on diary sheets and returned
- an officer will investigate and if the nuisance is witnessed, or the officer is otherwise satisfied with its existence or likely recurrence, a legal notice will be served on the offender
- if the nuisance continues and an officer witnesses a contravention of the legal notice, a prosecution against the offender will be prepared
- if the noise still continues, the offender's equipment may be seized
Construction and building site noise
If you are being disturbed by construction noise outside of the permitted hours then we will visit the construction site and advise them of the hours for 'noisy' working.
Generally, the permitted hours for noisy construction works are:
- Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
- Saturday, 8am to 1pm
- Sundays and bank holidays, no working
Emergency/essential works (gas works, railway maintenance or road surface maintenance) may need to take place at night or otherwise in unsocial hours. In such cases, the Council would only intervene if we felt the contractor was acting unreasonably.
If the disturbance continues, we will contact the contractor/company again and you may be asked to complete diary sheets.
If there is no improvement in the situation we will look to collect evidence to support your allegation, either by installing noise-monitoring equipment or by carrying out monitoring visits. If sufficient evidence is gathered supporting the allegations of a statutory noise nuisance then a legal notice will be served on the construction company requiring them to abate the nuisance.
If the Notice is not complied with, evidence of breaches will be collected and court action, subject to legal advice, may be started.