Get support

Solace in Bexley

Solace Women's Aid also provides support services within Bexley:

One Stop Shop

The Bexley One Stop Shop offers a range of advice all under one roof to help victims of domestic abuse, located at Central Library.

Visit-in-person - 12:30pm to 3pm every Wednesday:

Women’s Aid in Bexley

Domestic Abuse 24-hour Helpline

  • 0808 2000 247 (24-hour domestic violence helpline)

Respect phoneline (for male victims)

The Respect Phoneline has a dedicated helpline for male victims of domestic abuse, with male operators.

Support for Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse

  • 0808 802 4040

The Havens

Rape Crisis

  • 0808 500 2222 

National Stalking Helpline

  • 0800 820 2427

Revenge Porn Helpline

  • 0345 8000 459

Victim Support


Bexley Domestic Abuse Services

Metropolitan Police - Walk & Talks