What problems can you report?
You can report a number of street and road issues using the Bexley Fix My Street location-based reporting tool.
Traffic signals and speed cameras in the borough are installed and maintained by Transport for London (TfL), as well as everything on the A2 and A20.
Bexley FixMyStreet reports include:
- Abandoned or untaxed vehicles
- Animal fouling
- Cars for sale on the public road
- Dead animals
- Drainage and flooding
- Fly-tipping
- Glass and debris
- Graffiti
- Grass cutting and weeding
- Illegal encampments
- Illegal posters
- Obstructions on pavements and roads
- Parks and open spaces issues
- Potholes or road defects
- Public toilets
- Street cleaning
- Street furniture
- Street lighting, traffic bollards and signs
- Trees
- Utility equipment