Late applications and change of preference

Late applications

Applications received after 31 October 2024 but on or before 9 December 2024 may be accepted and included in the main process in time for offers to be made on 3 March 2025, but only if they are late for a good reason. Evidence of the reason for lateness must be included in writing with the application. Each case is decided on its own merits.

Where the reason given for lateness is judged not to be a good reason, or the application is received after 9 December 2024 but before 3 March 2025, it will be processed only after the allocations procedure for all ‘on-time’ applications has been completed. This is usually during April. If a place cannot be offered at one of the preferred schools, a place will be allocated at the nearest school, or one within a reasonable travelling distance to the child’s home with a vacancy.

Change of preference

You can edit your online application up to 31 October 2024, ensuring that you re-submit the application upon completion. After that date, the next opportunity to change preferences is after the national offer date of 3 March 2025. Change of preferences will not be accepted after 31 October 2024.

The principle of the co-ordinated admissions scheme is to offer each child the highest possible preference listed on the application form. If you wish to add a preference or change the sequence of preferences after 3 March 2025, you will need to decline any school place already offered unless evidence is supplied of a change in circumstances that make the change essential.