Offers of places

All preferences will be considered against the over-subscription criteria for the school. If there are more applications than there are places, the admission criteria will be applied to decide which pupils are eligible to be offered a place at each school. You will then be allocated a place at the school that can accept offer your child and that was the highest ranked in your list.

If you applied online, you will receive an email with the school offered during the evening of 3 March 2025 and you have the opportunity to accept on line . If you are offered your first preference school, your offer will be automatically accepted. All other applicants will be sent a letter on 3 March 2025 and will have until 17 March 2025 to accept or decline their offer.

If you choose to decline the offered place, it will be removed from your child’s record and made available to another child.,  You must provide details of the school your child will be attending starting September 2025. An offer of a place may be withdrawn if you do not accept or decline by the given deadline and offered to another child on the waiting list.. If you change your mind, your child  will be added back to the waiting lists for the school  Information about offers will not be given over the telephone.

It may be that none of your preferred schools are able to offer your child a place. If you are a Bexley resident, a place will be offered at the nearest, or one within a reasonable travelling distance, Bexley school to your home that has a vacancy. You can also ask whether other schools still have vacancies. If you live outside Bexley, your home Local Authority is responsible for offering you a school place.