Welcome to the
London Borough of Bexley
Hi, what would you like to do today?
- Pay
- Report
- Missed bin collection
- Abandoned or untaxed vehicles
- Potholes or road defects
- Dead animals
- Obstruction on a pavement or road
- Street cleaning issue
- Fly-tipping
- Dog fouling
- Antisocial behaviour
- Dangerous structure
- Incorrect parking
- Street lighting, traffic bollards and signs issue
- You are moving home
- Adult abuse
- Apply
- Find
Discover Bexley
Sidcup Storyteller
We have been working hard to ensure the long-term future of the cinema in Sidcup
Be winter ready
Find useful tips, advice and contacts so you are prepared for any cold weather
Thank you to everyone involved in the Bexley Box project
Local groups and residents thanked for their help
More news updates
Read the latest news and updates from around the borough
What's on
Catch up with events and activities in your area
Visitor attractions
Discover the wide variety of places of interest around the borough
About the Council
Democracy in Bexley
Find your Councillor, what ward you live in and all about democracy and elections in Bexley