Appendix B

BCSP VAWG Partnership Action Plan

This is a 4-year action plan which will be refreshed annually, to reflect actions achieved and new actions required.

Below, is an overview of the actions.

No.AimsLeadTarget Date
1Update Bexley VAWG StrategyLBBApr-28
2To raise awareness of VAWG across the Borough, including the Enough campaign and Nov 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against WomenLBBNovember annually
3Referral processes for VAWG issues and cases clearly definedLBB / MetApr-25
4To promote and raise awareness of existing data collection platforms, such as Safe Streets and Walk and Talks, and to have return of data for analysisLBB / MetApr-25
5To deliver VAWG training for Bexley professionals considering legal offences, partnership work, and trauma-informed victim supportLBBApr-25
6To expand a VAWG Working group to ensure strategic oversights and operational support network for frontline workersLBBApr-25
7To ensure services offer victim-centred and holistic support and earliest intervention possibleLBB / Met / Vol SectorApr-28
8To improve perpetrator-focused awareness and interventionLBB / Met / Vol SectorApr-28
9To obtain funding for measures to increase safety in the community for women based on data and evidence collected such as CCTV and lighting, or the commissioning of servicesLBB / Met / Vol SectorApr-28
10Oversight by and reporting to BCSP and MOPACLBBQuarterly