Current Work
Delivery of the objectives within the previous Strategy were carried out in partnership with both statutory and non-statutory partners to ensure best effectiveness.
There was an additional £17.7million MOPAC investment in Pan-London voluntary support services, including prevention education and specialised response services for victims and survivors. These organisations offer various projects which can be utilised in Bexley to achieve these aims, such as in-school awareness sessions and national helplines.
Existing Bexley commissioned services will also be used to tackle VAWG, such as Solace. We will continue to identify and explore pre-existing services and to ensure residents are aware of the offers available to them, in order to make best use of resources.
A key partner in this work is local policing. The MPS have developed their own MPS VAWG Action Plan and 10 Commitments and one of their key goals is to act to re-build confidence and trust in the police and criminal justice system, to ensure victims and survivors are supported and empowered to get the justice they deserve.
Various mechanisms have been developed to make reporting to the police more accessible, including online location pinpointing via StreetSafe and the Walk and Talk scheme.
The BCSP are piloting five projects to provide awareness, new opportunities and early intervention for victims, survivors, and people vulnerable to VAWG, including:
Ongoing participation in the MOPAC VAWG Co-ordinators meetings and a BCU tri-borough VAWG meeting is used to share and learn from best practice among other local authorities and partnerships, and to ensure our messaging and work is aligned to achieve the best combined outcomes. The experiences and examples can be used as models and localised to deliver against this Strategy.