Foreword to the Strategy

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) affects us all. VAWG is part of daily life for many and can have an impact on anyone, irrespective of sex, gender identity, age, race or ethnicity, religion or faith, or ability. Tackling this issue is everyone’s business – it is not just an issue for women and girls. 

VAWG encompasses a significant breadth of offences, from domestic abuse and sexual offences to street and online harassment. These offences happen in Bexley. Our objective, as a partnership, is to ensure Bexley is a safe place for everyone. We can do this by increasing the reporting of gender-based violence. By reporting abuse, we can tackle the root cause of violence against women and girls and support those affected. We need to increase the awareness and confidence of victims and witnesses, giving them the skills and resilience to challenge and report VAWG. The message to perpetrators is clear: their behaviour cannot and will not be tolerated.

This Strategy sets out how we will work with our community and partners to protect everyone. It is important that we recognise that our biggest challenge – reframing behaviour and addressing personal biases around gender – is beyond the scope of what a Council can do on its own. These challenges require shared knowledge, talent and ideas of residents, voluntary and community groups and other partners. Everyone is affected by VAWG – directly or indirectly – and we all have a part to play.

The Bexley Community Safety Partnership (BCSP) has identified VAWG as a key priority for the partnership. It owns this Strategy and holds partners to account for its delivery. The focus is on tackling gender-based violence in public and private spaces, ensuring all forms of violence against women and girls are recognised and eradicated, and putting in place trauma-informed support for victims and survivors.

The BCSP is committed to making a lasting, sustainable difference by prioritising this area of work. We want all partners to work together to make Bexley the safest borough in London.

Matthew Norwell, Director of Place for London Borough of Bexley, and Co-Chair of the Bexley Community Safety Partnership