What happens after we have made our calculations
We will produce a figure that is the maximum amount you can afford to pay. It is what is left over when we take your expenses away from the total income.
If that number is less than 50p, we will not charge you. If we think you are not getting all the benefits you are entitled to, we will refer you to the Department for Work and Pensions, who can help you make a claim, or you can look on Benefits calculator and see if you may be eligible for any benefits.
If we pay part of your care, you can ask us to pay you instead of the care service. You will get a personal budget based on your needs and can spend this directly on the services you want. This is called a Direct Payment and it allows you the freedom to organise your care and support within the personal budget in the way that best suits you.
We will review what we pay every year, but you need to let us know if your financial situation changes.
As the Department for Work and Pensions increases payments every April, we will assume your income has gone up in line with that unless you tell us otherwise.
If you are earning, saving, or spending more or less than before or if your household changes (for example if you split from your partner), you need to let us know.
You can call 020 8068 7640 or email bexley.finance.assessments@capita.co.uk
Homeowners can sometimes arrange with their local authority to postpone paying certain fees if they are in a care home. This means they will not have to sell their home while they are alive to cover these costs.
Instead, they can pay back the fees later, typically from the proceeds of selling their home or from their estate after they die.