How will we know if we are successful?

We will review data related to our website, telephone systems, complaints, freedom of information and members enquires to assess the range of contacts with our customers and whether work to strengthen certain channels is having the expected impact.


We will look to hold quarterly meetings with key community stakeholders who have worked with us in developing this strategy to understand the impact of the work we are doing on their customer experiences.  In addition to this, we will provide a quarterly update setting out the top 3 ‘wins’ via a simple poster, BSL video format etc. to be placed in public settings across the borough, promoting the work that is taking place.

We will run an annual customer experience survey.


  1. We will provide clear information about our services and how you can access them.
  2. We will be clear about what services you are able to access and whether there are any charges for them.
  3. If we are not able to provide you with the service you need, we will support you to identify those who may be able to help.




  • Contact Centre end of call customer satisfaction survey results.
  • Annual customer experience survey results.
  • Results of ‘Is this page useful?’ question on our webpages.
  • % of complaints that are upheld or partially upheld.
  • Number of Member Enquiries.
  • Feedback from quarterly engagement sessions with community groups.
  • Contribution to efficiency savings.


We will produce an annual report providing an overview of progress, assessed successes and priority actions for the following year.
