Our Plan

To meet our commitments, we have three core workstreams

1. Listening and Learning

Consistently engaging with our communities and listening to their lived experiences, and what they need in terms of their customer experience.

Doing this will mean:

  • customers feel listened to, particularly those who struggle to access council services
  • we will effectively collect and analyse data on the experiences and needs of our residents and businesses
  • our staff and councillors will have the knowledge and skills to understand the needs of diverse groups across the borough and make decisions that improve the lived experiences of our customers when planning and delivering services
  • our services will be regularly reviewed to ensure they are accessible, effective and meetings the needs of all groups in the borough
value listening responding

2. General Communications

Working to improve residents’ and businesses’ understanding of the services we provide, particularly those who find it challenging to engage, and communicate, with the council.

Doing this means:

  • customers have clear information about our services and how they can access them
  • customers are clear on what services we provide and if there are any charges for them
  • where we can’t provide the services a customer needs, we support them to identify who may be able to help them
young people

3. Digital Transformation

Embrace the technology available to make service provisions more efficient and easier to access, enabling resources to be used elsewhere benefiting those who are unable to access services through digital channels.

Doing this means we will reinvigorate our digital transformation programme to embrace new technology, such as AI and make more of the tools we have available. This programme will have three objectives:

  • Reducing cost, directly or indirectly through reducing demand and complaints, enabling us to use our limited resources wisely and well
  • Improve services, including enable resource to be redirected elsewhere
  • Linking to our People Strategy, improve staff wellbeing and creating more rewarding work for our staff
services directory