Our engagement with you

Given these unprecedented changes, it is important to understand the views of residents and service users as to what is most important to them. To do this, we ran a public consultation in January-February 2024 to ask for their opinion on our proposed commitments. Our online consultation received 664 responses across both our residents and local businesses, and staff.

Image shows speech bubbles and the outline of people

The public consultation period also included discussions with specific groups including Age UK Bexley, Active Horizons, Bexley Deaf Centre and the Asian Women’s Network.

What did you tell us?

  • there is a call for a more efficient and personalised customer experience, with accountability and responsiveness ensuring that customers feel heard and that something is being done.
  • a need for a wider range of inclusive communication methods, and whilst there is a general recognition for greater use of technology it should not disadvantage those who struggle to engage with new developments
  • improved collaboration and coordination between council services
  • there is a desire for more community engagement
  • above all, customers highly value being treated with courtesy and respect
  • Email and telephone are still seen as the most important contact methods for residents, with staff rating face to face as more important than residents do.
  • The website is valued but social media is not.
  • We note that people are open to using Webchat, should we introduce it, but only if there is a non-automated response to it.