Report summary

Prepared for

  • London Borough of Bexley
  • date - 24 October 2022
  • report number - P104088-1102 Issue: 2

Report made by BRE

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Executive summary

  • Bexley Council commissioned BRE to undertake an extension to previous work on the provision of housing stock modelling services. The additional work was two-fold and intended to, firstly, review the existing Selective Licensing scheme’s success in reducing ASB and category 1 HHSRS hazards as it draws to a close in August 2023 and, secondly, to explore further analysis of the private rented sector in relation to the more general Selective Licensing criteria including, for instance, migration and deprivation. This will improve the insights available to the council, helping to inform the decision-making in relation to future Selective Licensing schemes in the borough
  • Having commissioned BRE’s services in 2020 following successful application, to then MHCLG’s Rogue Landlord Innovation and Enforcement Fund, the Council wish to build upon their existing insights to achieve a better understanding of the success of the current Selective Licensing scheme and the potential for future schemes
  • This analysis follows on from work previously carried out by BRE for Bexley Council in 2020 to assist with gathering intelligence on the housing stock in their area with a particular emphasis on the private stock. The outputs from this project included a report ‘BRE Integrated Dwelling Level Housing Stock Modelling and Database’ for Bexley Council and access to the resulting model via an online system known as the Housing Stock Condition Database (HSCD).
  • The additional work for this current report involved the following:
    • specialist analysis on the current Selective Licensing scheme
    • specialist analysis of the private rented sector, including analysis of the private rented stock focussing on the Selective Licensing criteria including property condition, migration, ASB, and deprivation.

The headline results for this additional analysis are provided on the summary of analysis of the Private Rented Sector.