
In 2020, the council commissioned BRE’s data-driven solution to provide a comprehensive range of housing condition and energy efficiency variables to enable the council to determine the most effective steps to improve the efficiency of the housing stock and improve household’s health and wellbeing. The dwelling-level data also supports the council’s obligation to “keep the housing conditions in their area under review”2 under the Housing Act 2004. With a housing stock of over 100,000 it is crucial that the council can effectively identify areas for action.

The BRE Housing Stock Models provide the council with dwelling level information on various Housing Standards Variables, focussing on private rented sector housing. These variables provide the council with detailed information on the likely condition of the stock and the geographical distribution of properties of interest, highlighting areas where interventions such as further Selective Licensing schemes could be beneficial. These areas are also likely to be suitable targets for improvements or other forms of intervention, such as mitigating Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) hazards.

The BRE Housing Stock Model data is provided to the council via the online Housing Stock Condition Database (HSCD) to enable them to obtain specific information to further the reach of these improved data insights. The specialist analysis of the current Selective Licensing scheme will result in an updated ‘after’ picture for the areas designated under the scheme and as such the HSCD will be updated with new HHSRS data.

1.1 Project aims

The purpose of this additional analysis was to review the efficacy of the existing Selective Licensing scheme as it draws to a close in August 2023, as well as conducting further analysis on the private rented sector in relation to Selective Licensing as a whole. The main aims were therefore to undertake:

  • specialist analysis of the current Selective Licensing scheme
  • specialist analysis of the private rented sector