Draft Annual Governance Statement 2023 to 2024

  1. Introduction
    1. This Annual Governance Statement explains how the Council has implemented and complies with its Code of Corporate Governance. The Annual Governance Statement also explains how the Council meets the requirements of the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 regulation 6 (1) which requires all relevant bodies to prepare an Annual Governance Statement.
    2. Bexley is required to review its governance arrangements each year. This is the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24.
  2. Responsibilities of the Council
    1. The London Borough of Bexley is responsible for ensuring that it serves its communities, residents and businesses in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that it safeguards and accounts for the public money, assets and resources that it holds on their behalf.
    2. The Council has a duty under the Local Government Act 1999 to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
    3. The Council has approved and adopted a Constitution and Code of Corporate Governance, which is consistent with the principles of the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework Delivering Good Governance in Local Government. The Constitution, which was last reviewed on 1 March 2024, sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.
  3. Bexley’s Governance Model and Governance Framework 
    1. The Council consists of all elected Councillors. Members are responsible for agreeing the overarching policy framework for the Council, for agreeing the budget, and assessing, critiquing, and approving the policy framework and strategies put forward to them by the Executive. The Council acts in accordance with the provisions contained in legislation and the provisions within the Council’s Constitution and Code of Corporate Governance, including those stipulated in Article 4 of Part 2.
    2. The Council have full access to the three statutory Officers responsible for governance, namely: Head of Paid Service, Section 151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer.
    3. The Council are supported by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and General Purposes & Audit Committee who have responsibility for governance.
    4. The Leader and Cabinet exercise the executive functions of the Council, in accordance with the provisions of Part 1A of the Local Government Act 2000, The Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 and the Council’s Constitution and Code of Corporate Governance. The Cabinet is at the heart of the day-to-day decision-making process and is responsible for proposing the policy framework and strategic direction of the Council. It also has a key role in proposing the budget and policy framework to the Council. It introduces both the traditional collective decision-taking and the possibilities for decision-making by individual Cabinet Members in respect of executive functions.
    5. During 2023/24 the Leader of the Council and seven Cabinet Members, each had specific responsibilities:
      • Leader of the Council: Oversees corporate policy and resource plans, the annual budget, capital strategy and program, Medium Term Financial Strategy, corporate governance, housing, growth and other strategies
      • Deputy Leader of the Council/Cabinet Member for Resources: Handles corporate issues related to government, the Greater London Authority, regional bodies, and supports/deputises for the Leader on Local London Regeneration partnerships
      • Cabinet Member for Places: Manages unitary development plan and local development framework issues, economic and employment development strategy, major development schemes
      • Cabinet Member for Communities & Housing: Develops and monitors housing and neighbourhood renewal policies, affordable housing, sustainable housing strategy, and housing investment program and strategy
      • Cabinet Member for Growth: Focuses on land acquisition and disposal programs, land management, town centre management, and car parking and parking enforcement
      • Cabinet Member for Education: Manages the borough’s education-related strategies and initiatives
      • Cabinet Member for Children’s Services: Manages strategies for services related to children’s welfare and education
      • Cabinet Member for Adults’ Services & Health: Manages strategies for adult social care and health-related services within the borough.
    6. The Leader of the Council is appointed by the Council annually. This was last done at the Council meeting on 22 May 2024 for the period to May 2026. The Leader has delegated powers to determine the number and scope of Cabinet portfolios, including those of the Leader and Deputy Leader, and to make appointments to the Cabinet. Changes to the 2023/24 Cabinet portfolios were ratified at the Council meeting on 22 May 2024, the roles of the Cabinet Member for Growth and the Cabinet Member for Place were renamed, with their amended portfolios to the Cabinet for Place Shaping and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods respectively.
    7. The role, functions and terms of references of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees are stipulated in the provisions of legislation and in Article 7 of Part 2 of the Council’s Constitution and Code of Corporate Governance. These include reviewing and scrutinising decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s functions, making reports and/or recommendations to the Cabinet and/or Council in connection with the discharge of any functions; and consider any matter affecting the economic, environmental, or social wellbeing of the area or its residents.
    8. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees can also exercise the right to call-in, for reconsideration, decisions made but not yet implemented by the Cabinet, Cabinet Members or key decisions if made by Officers; and consider matters referred as a Councillor Call for Action. Overview and Scrutiny Committees may assist the Council and the Cabinet in the development of the budget and policy framework by in-depth analysis of policy issues; review performance; and question and challenge Members of the Cabinet and appropriate officers/partner agencies about proposals affecting the area. They may also review policy and challenge whether the Cabinet has made the right decisions about these policies and their implementation; and may take a long-term view of strategic issues and look in detail at key aspects of the Council’s operations.
    9. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees are composed of non-Executive Members of the Council. The Members of each Overview and Scrutiny Committee are allocated proportionately to reflect the balance between the respective Political Groups represented on the Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees also operate under the relevant statutory guidance issued by the Government.
    10. A review of the Committee structure, size and membership takes place every year at the Annual Council meeting with the appointments made accordingly. Orders of reference for the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and policy areas within the remit and focus of each Overview and Scrutiny Committee can be revised. The latest version was agreed at the May 2022 Annual Council meeting where the current configuration of four standing Overview and Scrutiny Committees was introduced.
    11. Regulatory Committees such as the Planning Committee and Licensing Committee take decisions that are legally outside of the remit of the Cabinet. These include the Pensions Committee, Planning committee, Appeals Committee and General Purposes & Audit Committee. The role of the General Purposes and Audit Committee is to provide a source of effective assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework and the internal control environment.
    12. The Cabinet are supported by the three statutory Officers and the wider Corporate Leadership Team. Bexley has three officers with statutory roles, the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, and Chief Financial Officer (S151).
      • The Chief Executive is the Head of Paid Service and is responsible for all Council employees.
      • The Director for Finance and Corporate Services is the Council’s Chief Financial Officer and is responsible for safeguarding the Council’s financial position and ensuring value for money.
      • The Deputy Director, Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer ensures that Council decisions are taken in a lawful and ethical way, that relevant laws and regulations are complied with, and correct procedures are followed.
    13. Bexley has appointed a Director of Children’s Services in accordance with Section 18(2) of the Children Act 2004 and a Director of Adult Social Care in accordance with the Care Act 2014. Bexley’s Director of Adult Social Care and Health also holds responsibilities in a combined role with the Bexley Place Executive Lead employed by the South East London Integrated Care System for health and wellbeing in the Borough. The Council employs a Director of Public Health who holder the statutory responsibility for Public Health and reports to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health. The Council also has a Director of Place.
    14. The Scheme of Officer Delegation contained in the Constitution defines the Corporate Leadership Team’s and Deputy Directors’ responsibilities for Bexley’s overarching management framework.
    15. The Governance Framework is comprised of the systems and processes, and culture and values, by which the council is directed, and its activities decision-making and management of performance, resources and risk. through which it is accountable to, engages with and leads the community. The Governance Framework enables the Council to identify progress and monitor the achievement of its strategic priorities set out in the Bexley Plan 2022-2026 Making Bexley Better, its three priority themes of: (i) Aspiration for our residents, (ii) Ambition for our borough and (iii) An efficient and Effective Council and its 15 outcomes.
  4. How Bexley Complies with the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework Delivering Good Governance in Local Government
    1. The information provided in section 4 below contains the key examples of how Bexley has adhered to the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework Delivering Good Governance in Local Government during 2023/24.The information is not exhaustive, and more information can be found in the many strategies, plans, policies and reports to be found on the Bexley.gov.uk website.

      A: Behaving with integrity, demonstrating strong commitment to ethical values, and respecting the rule of law

      (i) Behaving with Integrity
    2. Integrity, ethics and legal compliance are central tenets of the ways in which Bexley Council operates and are incorporated into our Constitution and Code of Corporate Governance. The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures to ensure efficient, transparent, and accountable operations. The Constitution also contains council and committee procedure rules, schemes of delegation, contract procedure rules, and financial regulations that define clearly how decisions are taken and where authority lies for decisions.
    3. Bexley has Codes of Conduct for both Members and staff. These embed a strong public service ethos and high standards, ensuring that all actions are appropriate and that there are mechanisms in place to enforce adherence to ethical values and respect for the law.
    4. The Bexley Plan 2022-2026 #Making Bexley Even Better sets out the Council’s principles which underpin all of the Council’s work and the values and behaviours which are shared with our staff and contractors.

      (ii) Demonstrating Strong Commitment to Ethical Values
    5. Bexley complies with its responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty, which includes eliminating unlawful discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity between people with protected characteristics and those without.
    6. Bexley also has a whistleblowing policy and procedure which encourages staff and other concerned parties to feel confident about reporting instances of suspected unlawful conduct, financial malpractice, or actions that are dangerous to the public or environment.
    7. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (2023 to 2026) underlines Bexley’s commitment to making the borough a fairer place by addressing equality, diversity, and inclusion.
    8. Modern Slavery and Exploitation Strategy (2023 - 2028) sets out how the borough will work with partners to recognise and challenge modern slavery in Bexley.

      (iii) Respecting the Rule of Law
    9. The Deputy Director, Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer provides on-going advice in connection with the legal standing of Council business and advice to Councillors on their responsibilities, alongside the maintenance/monitoring of the Constitution. To enable the Monitoring Officer to conduct their statutory role, in accordance with Section 5 Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Monitoring Officer has access to all reports, attends key officer and committee meetings and is able to launch investigations in the eventuality of a breach of conduct. Additionally, Bexley’s, External Auditors Section 151 Officer and Head of Assurance have direct access, if necessary, to the Chairman of the General Purposes & Audit Committee.

      B: Ensuring openness and comprehensive stakeholder engagement

      (i) Ensuring Openness
    10. Bexley communicates with its Stakeholders through various platforms, including:
      • the Bexley website provides useful information for residents in a clear and easily accessible way
      • information and press-releases are also made on the Council’s social media channels, through newspapers, through poster campaigns and the Bexley Magazine distributed to residents
      • partnership Forums and Groups, Service User Forums and Community Champions.
    11. Bexley has a Statement of Community Involvement and a Connected Communities Strategy 2019 to 2023 which outline how the Council works with local people to support community development up to 2023.The documents set out Bexley’s commitment to effective working relationships with all sectors of the community and emphasise the role of well-connected communities in achieving Council priorities.

      (ii) Engaging Comprehensively with Institutional Stakeholders
    12. Bexley works with and engages with a range of organisations and to serve and benefit its communities, residents, and businesses. These stakeholders include:
      • local government organisations including neighbouring councils, the Greater London Authority , Local London, a partnership of nine London boroughs in the north-east and south-east London and London Councils. Membership of Local London and London Councils enables Bexley to play a role in coordinating efforts and addressing common challenges across the city whilst ensuring that the needs of the borough are considered
      • public service providers, including the NHS organisations, the Metropolitan Police and fire services, The Bexley Wellbeing Partnership for example brings together 17 local partner organisations with a shared goal of supporting and improving the health, care and wellbeing of local people and communities
      • businesses and local enterprises that operate in the area. Bexley has a business support programme funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
      • voluntary and third sector organizations, and
      • schools and colleges in the borough

        (iii) Engaging with Individual Citizens and Service Users Effectively
    13. Individual elected Members engage with residents, businesses, and organisations in their Wards and across the Borough in a variety of ways and bring the knowledge, information and experiences to inform decision-making and overview and scrutiny processes within the Council.
    14. Residents and other stakeholders subscribe to receive regular email updates from the Council to stay informed about a range of topics. Additionally, residents can interact with the Council through social media platforms. Bexley encourages feedback and engagement from the community to improve services and develop strategies that reflect the needs and views of service users.
    15. The Council’s new Customer Experience Strategy 2024-2028 was signed off at Public Cabinet on 16 April 2024 and sets out a commitment to continuously listen and learn to the changing needs of our residents and businesses. This includes work to engage more regularly with and seek feedback from our customers through stakeholder sessions and an annual survey.
    16. The majority of Council and Committee meetings are held in public with agenda and reports available on the Bexley website. Members of the public are able to speak at meetings and ask questions and are supported to do so. Exemptions operate in limited circumstances, where consideration of confidential or exempt information means the public are excluded.
    17. Live-streamed and archived webcasts of Council Meetings including Planning Committee Meetings, Public Cabinet Meetings and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meetings (covering different areas such as Finance & Corporate Services, Adult Social are & Health, Children’s Services & Education, and Places) are available on the Bexley website.

      C: Defining outcomes in terms of sustainable economic, social, and environmental benefits

      (i) Defining Outcomes
    18. The strategic plan Making Bexley Even Better sets out the Council’s vision for Bexley during the period 2022-2026.Key aspects of the plan include:
      • ambition for the borough: To make Bexley an even better place to live, work, or study, close to the centre of London yet maintaining its green, safe, and friendly environment
      • support for residents: The council aims to help residents live the best lives possible and reach their potential
      • fairness and inclusion: Ensuring that the council’s actions are fair and inclusive, especially during challenging economic times
      • partnership-working: Collaborating with residents, voluntary groups, businesses, and local authorities to tackle complex issues.
    19. The Bexley Local Plan, which was formally adopted on April 26, 2023, outlines the planning policies and proposals for new developments covering the entire borough. It is a key document that guides decisions on land use and future developments in Bexley. The Local Plan includes:
      • Housing Provision: The Local Plan addresses the need for new housing and sets targets for sustainable housing development
      • Economy, Retail, and Town Centres: The Local Plan includes strategies to support the local economy and the development of town centres
      • Local Character and Design: The Local Plan aims to preserve the local character and ensure high-quality design in new developments
      • Infrastructure Provision: The Local Plan is accompanied by an Infrastructure Delivery Plan to support growth and ensure timely delivery of essential services
      • Environment: The Local Plan includes measures to address climate change and promote sustainable development
    20. To deliver this vision the Council defines specific outcomes, performance indicators and actions and relates these to specific services. Operational and financial performance is reviewed by the Corporate Leadership Team and Directorate Leadership Teams and reports are presented quarterly to Public Cabinet.

      (ii) Sustainable Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits
    21. Bexley has a wide range of strategies and plans developed and operated to create stronger, healthier communities, protect our natural environment, climate and ecology, and drive economic prosperity. These include:
      • Growth Strategy
      • Learning, Skills and Employment Strategy
      • Towns Centre Strategy
      • Community Safety Partnership Strategy
      • Bexley Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023 to 2028
      • Connected Communities Strategy
      • Environmental Sustainability Strategy

        D: Determining the interventions necessary to optimise the achievement of the intended outcomes

        (i) Determining Interventions
    22. The Council continues to prioritise and monitor its resources against agreed plans and outcomes, continually assessing value for money on behalf of its residents. Directorate Leadership Teams review regular management performance information provided by their services assessing and adjusting for any variances from the Corporate Plan or Medium-Term Financial Strategy. This process is scrutinised by Corporate Leadership Team, Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are regularly published to support the monitoring of performance.

      (ii) Planning Interventions
    23. Bexley plans its activity at strategic, directorate and operational (service plan) levels through the budget and business planning cycle. The budget and business planning cycle considers the Council’s statutory duties and the manifesto pledges of Councillors. It also considers the views and activities of our internal and external stakeholders to ensure services are aligned and not duplicated.
    24. Delivery of strategic plan is supported by service plans, ensuring a ‘golden thread’. Regular service level reporting provides management information for review and challenge, Bexley has and continues to develop a data warehouse as it recognises the enormous potential that the better use of our data assets creates for improved decision-making, identification of new opportunities and service improvements both in terms of delivery and value for money.

      (iii) Optimising Achievement of Intended Outcomes
    25. Bexley, as in common with many local government organisations, has faced financial constraints in recent years. The Council therefore acts prudently in balancing the delivery of statutory duties, service priorities with affordability and other resource constraints. The alignment of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and capital programme has enabled the Council to set a balanced budget. The budget aims to support the aspirations of Bexley residents, with a focus on spending money sensibly and investing in infrastructure and services in line with the Council’s Making Bexley Better Strategy.

      E: Developing the entity’s capacity, including the capability of its leadership and the individuals within it

      (i) Developing the Organisation’s Capacity
    26. The People Strategy was approved at Public Cabinet in April 2024.The Strategy sets out a vision and the following six key priorities for the next four years:
      • efficient, innovative and local recruitment
      • recognising Commitment and Excellence
      • supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing
      • create a fair and inclusive working environment
      • growing our own workforce of the future
      • working together and communicating better
    27. Officers and Council Members receive induction training on the work of the Council, key elements of governance including the Constitution and Code of Conduct, and key policies that ensure legal compliance including information governance, health and safety and fraud and bribery.
    28. Additionally, Members receive additional training relevant to specific roles, including dedicated training for Members of the Planning Committee, Licensing Committee and Pensions Committee. Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and General Purpose and Audit Committee have attended workshops to share examples of good practice. Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairmen meet regularly to review new guidance and review the success of their approach, to coordinate work between Overview and Scrutiny Committees and to instil a deep understanding of their role and responsibilities.
    29. Bexley provides a programme of learning and development to officers, managers and members. Apprentices and trainees are supported to gain both experience and relevant qualifications. The many members of staff who are members of professional bodies are encouraged to continue their professional development. Learning and development will be expanded further as part of the People Strategy 2024-2028.
    30. Bexley is committed to promoting the physical and mental health and wellbeing of its workforce. Wellbeing is considered as part of the annual appraisal process for staff, the Performance, Wellbeing and Development Scheme. Additionally, staff are able to access health screening and advice as part of onsite drop-in sessions, access health and wellbeing information on the Bexley intranet and access a 24/7 Employee Assistance Programme (phone line) providing a range of support. This will be built on as part of the People Strategy 2024-2028, with actions including better communicating our wellbeing offer to staff.

      (ii) Developing the Capability of the Organisation’s Leadership and Other Individuals
    31. The HR and Organisational Development department have developed and deliver a programme of training for managers. Additionally, many staff undertake professional training, or are members of professional membership organisations and complete continuing professional development. This will be expanded further as part of the People Strategy 2024-2028.
    32. Bexley participates in the Local Government Association’s peer review process which is designed to support continuous improvement within councils by providing effective insight, guidance, and challenge. Peer reviews are conducted by a small team of experienced council officers and councillors from other authorities, who spend time reviewing Bexley’s processes. They act as ‘critical friends’ to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement, and they provide constructive feedback to support improvements that will benefit staff, residents, and businesses.
    33. The Council has in place a Top Management Review Panel, a committee that carries out the annual performance appraisals in respect of the Chief Executive and other members of the Corporate Leadership Team.

      F: Managing risks and performance through robust internal control and strong financial management

      (i) Managing risk
    34. Bexley operates a risk management framework that aids the identification, analysis and mitigation of risks to the Council’s strategic objectives, reputation, finances and other assets and its compliance with its statutory and regulatory obligations.
    35. The Strategic Risk Register articulates the key risks impacting the Council, informs decision making, and provides assurance on current actions and identifies planned actions to manage key risks. Directorate and functional risk registers are used to manage risks. The Executive Leadership Team and General Purpose and Audit Committee receive regular risk management update reports. Work continues to develop Bexley’s risk management approach in order to develop a Council-wide risk aware workforce.

      (ii) Managing performance
    36. Bexley has developed a comprehensive suite of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor service delivery whether services are internal or through external providers. The Integrated Performance report is produced monthly and contains trend analysis both over time and comparing the Bexley’s performance against national and regional trends. Exceptions, both positive and negative trends are identified and the Directorate (service), finance and risk functions provide a narrative response identifying necessary remedial action, potential financial impact and associated risks. The integration and analysis of performance, finance, workforce intelligence and complaints support effective resource allocation, and identifies potential challenges and remedies. The report is provided to the Executive Leadership Team and Council each month.
    37. Bexley’s governance structure includes four scrutiny committees which are aligned with the Council’s directorates. The scrutiny committees have several key powers that enable them to effectively oversee and investigate the Council’s work, as well as that of its partners. These include:
      • investigative authority: Scrutiny committees can investigate local issues and make recommendations to the Cabinet to improve services for residents in the borough
      • performance monitoring: Scrutiny committees are responsible for challenging the performance including that of the Council’s partners, including addressing local health service issues and crime and disorder
      • specific Remits: Each scrutiny committee has a specific remit, such as adult social care, children’s services, finance, corporate services, and places, which includes a wide range of services from public health to economic development.

        These powers ensure that the scrutiny committees provide thorough oversight and contribute to the continuous improvement of council services and community well-being and development.

        (iii) Robust internal control
    38. Bexley’s control environment comprises directive, preventive and its Financial Regulations, Contract Procurement Rules and wider framework of policies and procedures. These directive controls are supplemented by preventative controls including segregation of duties and monitoring and detective controls that include scrutiny of management and finance reports. The Council’s internal audit and other review functions as well as risk management activities also strengthen internal control.

      (iv) Managing Data
    39. The processing of personal and sometimes sensitive data is essential to many of the services and functions carried out by local authorities. Bexley complies with data protection legislation, which includes UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 to ensure processing is carried out fairly, lawfully and transparently.
    40. Bexley has a suite of data governance policies and procedures which are regularly reviewed, and also reviews its cessing activities to ensure they remain consistent with the law, and compliant with advice and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
    41. All staff are required to complete data protection training and supplementary training is provided to staff who use and control personal and sensitive data.

      (v) Strong Public Financial Management
    42. Bexley’s finances are managed in a manner which safeguards public money, promotes value for money and financial stewardship. This approach is used in support of both the Council’s long-term strategic objectives, and short and medium term financial and operational plans.
    43. The Chief Finance Officer (Director of Finance & Corporate Services) ensures that appropriate advice is given on all financial matters, proper financial records and accounts are kept, and oversees an effective system of internal financial control. The Chief Finance Officer ensures well developed financial management is integrated at all levels of planning and control including management of financial risks, systems and processes. The Constitution details the financial regulations which underpin the financial arrangements. The financial regulations are supplemented by Contract Procedure Rules and Code of Practice. All existing contracts or new requirements with a value greater than £250,000 pa are required to follow the Tollgate approval process and be authorised by the Commissioning Board before the procurement process can begin. The function of the Commissioning Board was reviewed and streamlined during 2023/24.
    44. Bexley has instigated a Corporate Debt Board that meets monthly to focus on policies, procedures and resources to improve debt recovery and monitoring; improve cash flow; and reduce the level of write-offs and bad debt provision. Additionally, during 2023/24 the Council put in place a:
      • Spend Panel to scrutinise requests for additional resources and determines whether the spend is essential
      • Corporate 3Es (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) Board, that scrutinises both business processes and spend to ensure value for money is obtained and reviews potential invest to save expenditure
    45. The Council maintains clear policies and arrangements in respect of counter fraud and anti-corruption. Detection is enhanced through participation in data-matching exercises with the National Fraud Initiative and best practice is kept current through Membership to the National Anti-Fraud Network. Regular updates of anti-fraud activities which take place are provided to the General Purposes & Audit Committee.
    46. Bexley’s Contract Procedure Rules, procurement to pay processes and contact management activity are designed to ensure that the Council obtains best value for money.
    47. The Council has an audit committee, the General Purpose and Audit Committee, in line with CIPFA’s ‘Position Statement: Audit Committees in Local Authorities and Police (2018)’, which provides an independent and high-level resource to support good governance and strong public financial management. The Committee receives assurance reports regarding risk management and the internal control environment.

      G: Implementing good practice in transparency, reporting, and audit, to deliver effective accountability

      (i) Implementing Good Practice in Transparency
    48. Bexley publishes the data required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 on the Council’s website.
    49. The Council’s website is designed to be accessible to as many users as possible. Users of the website can make a number of adaptations including to colours, font size, use speech recognition software and listen to most of the website using a screen reader. Members of the public can also request a document in an accessible format including braille.
    50. To aid with transparency and accountability to residents, businesses and interested parties, minutes of key meetings, decisions, items of expenditure exceeding £500, and registers of interest are published on the Council’s website. Also detailed will be any approvals pertaining to BexleyCo Limited’s (the Council’s wholly owned subsidiary) annual business plan and the sanctioning of restricted financial matters relating to the company e.g., business loans and property and land purchases.
    51. Bexley has processes in place to ensure the Council provides clear, accurate and impartial information. The information supports the regular review of the Council’s finances, ensuring the Medium-Term Financial Strategy are aligned with strategic objectives and that public money is safeguarded.

      (ii) Implementing Good Practices in Reporting
    52. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended) requires Bexley produce a Statement of Accounts. It is an important public demonstration of the effective stewardship over public money carried out by the Council. Bexley ensures that the plain language ‘narrative statement’ within the Statement of Accounts is used as an opportunity for the council to put across important messages about its finances and to clarify some of the more technical issues in the accounts.

      (iii) Assurance and Effective Accountability
    53. The General Purpose and Audit Committee monitors the implementation of internal and external audit recommendations. The Council’s external auditors, Ernst & Young provide a management letter and report on the Council’s performance in implementing recommendations effectively and within agreed timescales.
    54. Bexley has adopted and complies with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards which set out the standards for internal audit. Compliance includes presenting a draft annual internal audit plan to the General Purpose and Audit Committee for review, comment and ratification.
  5. Annual Review of Effectiveness
    1. Bexley Council has a legal responsibility to review the effectiveness of its governance framework every year and also consider the effectiveness of its systems of internal control. The review is led by the Head of Assurance and includes input from the Monitoring Officer, Directors and other Senior Managers. The results of the review are then considered by the Finance and Corporate Leadership Team before being presented to the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council.
    2. The extent to which Bexley complies with the principals and requirements of the CIPFA/SOLACE Framework Delivering Good Governance in Local Government is evidenced by the systems, processes and documentation detailed in Section 4 above. The review has concluded that the Council has assurance that its governance arrangements reflect the principles of the Code of Corporate Governance.
    3. The review of the effectiveness of Bexley’s systems of internal control is informed by:
      • the work of our external auditors, Ernst & Young
      • the work of our internal audit and assurance function
      • reviews completed by external regulators including Ofsted, the Youth Justice Board and the Care Quality Commission and compliance checks completed by the BSI
      • the annual self-assessment assurance statements completed by the Chief Executive and Directors of Finance and Corporate Services, Adult Social Care and Health, Children’s Services and Place
      • risk management activity completed during the year

        These reviews have demonstrated that, whilst no system of internal control can eliminate all risk, the Council operates an appropriate system of internal control.
    4. The effectiveness of governance arrangements is monitored and evaluated throughout the year, with activity undertaken including:
      • work undertaken by the Chief Executive and the Corporate Leadership Team who meet weekly to review the delivery of strategic, operational and financial plans and direct the Council’s activity
      • the Directorate Leadership Teams are responsible for ensuring that the Council’s systems of internal control ensure the Council meets its legal and regulatory obligations and this is monitored throughout the year through the review of operational and strategic plans
      • council and its Committees review, scrutinise and challenge Bexley’s governance arrangements and operations throughout the year.
    5. After conducting this review, the Council has assurance that its governance arrangements and systems of control are robust and reflect the principles of the Code of Corporate Governance.
    6. The governance framework described above has been in place at the London Borough of Bexley for the year ended 31 March 2024 and up to the date of approval of the Statement of Accounts.

Chief Executive
Paul Thorogood

Leader of the Council
Cllr Baroness O’Neill of Bexley, OBE

APPENDIX 1 – Progress Update regarding the Significant Governance Issues identified in the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement and agreement of additional issues for inclusion in the 2023/24 statement

Section A - Governance Issues and Challenges in 2023/24

The 2023/23 AGS identified three governance challenges for 2023/24where improvements in Bexley governance arrangements would enable the Council to best meet those challenges. The information provided below gives high levels summaries of the actions taken by management to address the governance issues set out in the Action Plan appended to the 2022/23 AGS. The information contains details of oversight of delivery however it should be noted that more detailed progress reports are provided to the Council’s Committee including Scrutiny Committees, Project and Programme Boards and management groups.

Issue to be AddressedHealth & Safety of Council Properties
Responsible OfficerHead of Property & Facilities Management
DetailsThis issue highlights a potential risk of non-compliance with Health & Safety regulations within properties owned and leased by the Council and the compliance management arrangements that ensure all properties are safe for residents, tenants, visitors and staff. The Council receives external accreditation through ISO45001 which is reviewed every six months, and this has and continues to be maintained. Good progress has been made however further work needs to take place to give the level of internal assurance required at a more detailed and operational level.
Planned Action 2023/24
  • Restructure of Property & Facilities Management and Health & Safety functions to be consulted and implemented. The focus of the restructure is Property & Facilities Management and will move more work into the corporate function for better oversight and management and will also include a refined schedule of roles and responsibilities for services managing buildings.
  • A standardised site survey will be completed on a regular basis, based on property, by all Property & Facilities Management and Health & Safety staff. This will allow the triangulation of the information held corporately, by individual services and pick up current issues.
  • New opening and closing checklists for all properties are being rolled out and their use is being monitored through the Asset Management System (Tech Forge).
  • All compliance monitoring arrangements will be moved corporately for the Council’s non-residential estate and leased in properties. This will ensure consistent oversight and management and assurance statutory tests have been completed and remedial works have been commissioned.
  • Stock condition surveys are currently underway and will be completed by the summer which will inform a programme of capital investment over the medium term for the Council.
  • The Asset Management system (Tech Forge) will receive a number of process and customer journey improvements to ensure more automated processes are in place for fault reporting and the management information requirements are met.
  • Monthly reporting on staff completing their H&S Mandatory Training will be shared corporately to the Extended Leadership Team.
  • Housing Services will continue to manage the residential stock and performance on statutory compliance will continue to be monitored through corporate performance indicators. 
End of Year Review
  • The Council has maintained its ISO450001 accreditation during 2022/23 and they have commented on the work of the Council in moving forward H&S management especially in relation to Property Services.
  • The Property & Facilities Management department was restructured and includes corporate H&S.
  • Better use of the Asset Management system (Tech Forge) to automate and monitor processes and produce management information.
  • Compliance monitoring arrangements have been further centralised for non-residential estate and leased in properties and introduced as a key performance indicator. This has ensured consistent oversight and management and assurance statutory tests have been completed and remedial works have been commissioned.
  • Stock condition surveys have been completed and a draft capital programme is in place to address the points raised for 2023/24 and for the subsequent ten years. This was provided to Finance & Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee in February 2023.
  • Monthly reporting on staff completing their H&S Mandatory Training is being shared corporately through Performance Reporting.
  • Housing Services have continued to manage the residential stock and performance on statutory compliance will continue to be monitored through corporate performance indicators.
Planned Action 2024/25

This issue will remain open and will be carried forward to 2024/25.

  • In 2024/25 all Property related budgets - will be centralised within Finance & Corporate Services. 
  • The performance indicator suite for H&S compliance needs to broken into individual elements to provide further assurance.
Issue to be AddressedSetting a balanced budget for 2024/25
Responsible OfficerDirector of Finance and Corporate Services 
DetailsA balanced budget was set for 2023/24 and agreed by full Council based on the planning assumptions within the Medium-Term Financial Strategy. There continues to be a pressure over the medium term and a balanced budget will need to be set for 2024/25. Uncertainty around many aspects of the future funding model for Local Government still remain a challenge in the medium term and the impact of rising costs of living and wider economic issues are yet to be fully understood. These market conditions may impact on the Council’s procurement programmes as costs rise.
Planned Action 2023/24
  • Work will continue across the Council to embed effective budget management processes to ensure that financial forecasts are accurate and link back to the activities of individual services.
  • The Director of Finance and Corporate Services will monitor and report to Members regularly on the in year budget monitoring position and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy through Public Cabinet, Scrutiny and wider briefings.
  • Budget Managers will manage their budgets within agreed parameters and put in place recovery plans where this cannot be achieved.
  • Increased scrutiny of budget management will continue during 2023/24 to ensure the above point.
  • Officers will ensure demographic based funding is evidenced.
  • Modelling and analysis of inflationary pressures will be undertaken to understand their impact on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.
End of Year ReviewA balanced budget for 2024/25 was proposed and agreed by Budget Council in March 2024, however this required the use of one off balance to set a balanced position. The financial challenges facing the Council to be significantly challenging across the medium term and therefore need to be kept under consistent review and all mitigations put in place where possible to reduce expenditure and maximise income.
Planned Action 2024/25This issue is closed as a balanced budget has been set for 2024/25. Due to the uncertainty regarding Council funding and the wider economic issues developing, a new significant governance issue regarding the financial challenges faced will be established for 2024/25 which include high inflation, supplier failure and interest rate rises. 
Issue to be AddressedChildren’s Services Financial Control and Management Oversight
Responsible OfficerDirector of Children’s Services
DetailsAccurate forecasting of service demand and accurate budget management is necessary to ensure that the Council can effectively manage its budget. Given the wider economic pressures faced by the Council in 2023/24 and beyond, it is vital that existing budgets are managed, and pressures identified early in the financial cycle to ensure mitigations can be implemented. In previous years there has been significant volatility in the Children Services budgets for both Education and Children Social Care with period material movements.
Planned Action 2023/24
  • A financial improvement plan is being established for Children’s Services to address issues within budget management and demand forecasting and will be meeting on a weekly basis.
  • External support from a third party will be commissioned to review high care package costs to identify opportunities to reduced levels of expenditure.
  • A series of wider mitigations were identified as part of the Children Social Care and SEN Transport ‘Deep Dive’ which must be delivered.
  • The training needs of budget holders are being established and appropriate support and training will be provided to enable Officers to manage their budgets.
End of Year Review

A sustained focus on current and future budget resilience was held in 2023/24, this has been challenged by national rising unit costs of external placements for children, growing EHCP and associated transport requirements and a challenging recruitment market.  To address this the following actions were undertaken:

  • A Financial Sustainability Leadership meeting is now in place, meeting every 2 weeks to review budget, efficiencies and planning within Children’s Services chaired by DCS.  There are examples from this work that have made efficiencies for example DCS agreement on maximum funding for housing provision under S17.
  • Panels are in place for agreement of spend and review, with a particular focus on CSC placements, in April 2023 £1.7m costs reductions were identified from a panel of which £1.5m were delivered.
  • The Safety Valve programme that was agreed by Government has been delivered in line with milestones and has received positive feedback from the DfE.
  • Early intervention services remain in place in CSC and have continued to receive grant funding, e.g. Parental Conflict Grant, Your Choice and DfE funding.  The Staying Together team was shortlisted as a finalist for the national Social Work of the Year awards for effective practice in 2023/24.
  • Our Fostering Service has continued to develop new ways of working and delivered a sustained focus on recruitment of carers, retention is positive and for 2023/24 26 new fostering households were recruited.  Our Fostering Service received a positive DfE checklist with areas of national best practice identified for promotion.  Increases in fostering have addressed the increase in children in care 2023/24 to avoid the need for external Impendent placement as well as the need for young people/care leavers to be placed within external semi-independent placements.
  • Our SHiFT service has been up and running for 1 year and has match funding from national SHIFT, positive outcomes have been evidence for children as well as those linked to cost efficiency within year 1.
  • Our Children’s Social Care Workforce Strategy and Action plan has been refreshed.  CSC is currently 85% permanently staffed, had the best retention rate recorded and caseloads are presenting as manageable.  Agency staff have reduced from 59 (March 2023) to 25 (March 2024) with further reduction identified.
  • Education teams retention is similarly positive and staffing levels are high with permanent, skilled employees and very low agency use.  Staffing efficiencies have been made where possible, for example the restructure of School, Improvement Service.
  • Although pressures on budget, school transport approvals are growing at a slower pace than EHCP increased and are low cost, for example our use of PTAB’s remains higher than benchmarks against other Boroughs.
  • We believe the quality of education provision at the LECB remains at least good, student retention is good and there are clear and tight governance arrangements in place; the LECB concluded 2023/4 with a surplus of £300k.
  • DLT and CLT discussion and attendance have been to review spend, contingencies and both short- and longer-term mitigation opportunities.
  • Throughout 2023/24 weekly and monthly Cabinet member meetings have been held as well as to shadow Cabinet Member.  Budget briefings and regular reporting, especially in light of pressures, have been ongoing.
Planned Action 2024/25

This issue will remain open and will be carried forward to 2024/25 and actions will include:

  • Work collaboratively with the Children Services Directorate Leadership Team to ensure the robustness of financial forecasts through the budget monitoring process for both revenue (General Fund and Dedicated Schools Grant) and capital, directing remedial action where budget variances arise at a service level and failing that a Deputy Director and Directorate Level.
  • Ensure the delivery of mitigations identified in the Deep Dives for the Children Services Directorate, namely SEN Transport and Children’s Placements putting in place mitigations where necessary.
  • Ensure the proactive delivery, monitoring and review of the Safety Valve programme for the high needs block within the Dedicated Schools Grant. Ensure that risks between the Safety Valve and SEND Improvement Plan are managed and fully understood by the DfE.
  • Work collaboratively with the Cabinet Member for Children Social Care and Cabinet Member for Education to identify further opportunities to increase income to the Council and reduce expenditure and submit for inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
  • Continue to embed robust financial management across the Directorate and ensure that Heads of Service and Service Managers are held accountable for their budget forecasts and they are putting in place mitigations to reduced expenditure and maximise income.
  • To review pathways to better understand and ‘tell the story’ of where Children/Young People are entering the system and how we can work better with Partners including the voluntary sector to reduce demand for our services.
  • To work in partnership with Housing to identify the options available to Care Leavers for accommodation and ensure that the PAs and advocates are support the options that are pragmatically available.
  • Develop a Fostering Strategy and five year outlook for the service which sets our ambition for the future of fostering in Bexley to reduce third party placements.

Section B - Governance Issues and Challenges for 2024/25

The governance issues and challenges identified in 2023/24 which will remain open are:

  • Health & Safety of Council Properties
  • Children’s Services Financial Control and Management Oversight

In addition, a new governance issues and challenge for 2024/25 is set out below:

Issue to be AddressedSetting a balanced budget for 2024/25
Responsible OfficerDirector of Finance and Corporate Services
DetailsA balanced budget was set for 2024/25 and agreed by full Council based on the planning assumptions within the Medium-Term Financial Strategy. There continues to be a pressure over the medium term and a balanced budget will need to be set for 2025/26. Uncertainty around many aspects of the future funding model for Local Government still remain a challenge in the medium term and there is no certainty to date from the new government. The Council continues to face increased levels of demand and cost exposure. The Council needs to better align the Medium-Term Financial Strategy with the Corporate Plan and embed a culture of transformation and five year service planning.
Planned Action 2023/24
  • Work will continue across the Council to embed effective budget management processes to ensure that financial forecasts are accurate and link back to the activities of individual services.
  • the Director of Finance and Corporate Services will monitor and report to Members regularly on the in year budget monitoring position and the medium-Term Financial Strategy through Public Cabinet, Scrutiny and wider briefings.
  • Budget Managers will manage their budgets within agreed parameters and put in place recovery plans where this cannot be achieved.
  • Modelling and analysis of inflationary pressures will be undertaken to understand their impact on the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.
  • A programme to embed five year service planning and alignment of wider ‘Resources’ will commence and have an initial review by Council in March 2025.