Draft Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement

This Statement shows the income and expenditure of the Council in providing services in the year in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, rather than the amount to be funded from taxation. Authorities raise taxation to cover expenditure in accordance with regulations: this is different from the accounting cost.

Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement
2022/23*  2023/24
2019 to 20 Gross Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
2019 to 20 Gross Income
in thousands of pounds
2019 to 20 Net Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
 Notes2020 to 21 Gross Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
2020 to 21 Gross Income
in thousands of pounds
2020 to 21 Net Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
114,735(53,456)61,279Adult Social Care and Public Health 131,800(59,174)72,626
4,172(378)3,794Chief Executive's Office 5,238(183)5,055
171,719(121,882)49,837Children and Education 184,690(128,413)56,277
108,623(35,556)73,067Place 101,540(35,682)65,858
103,504(63,818)39,686Finance and Corporate Services 117,470(71,604)45,866
502,753(275,090)227,663Cost of Services 540,738(295,056)245,682
  95Other Operating Expenditure11  22,265
  13,588Financing and Investment Income and Expenditure12  3,756
  (204,159)Taxation and Non-Specific Grant Income13  (220,336)
  37,187Deficit on Provision of Services   51,367
  (50,620)Surplus on Revaluation of PPE and Heritage Assets14, 15, 25  (23,876)
  (177,192)Remeasurements of the Net Pensions Defined Benefit Liability40  (27,227)
  (227,812)Other Comprehensive (Income) and Expenditure   (51,103)
  (190,625)Total Comprehensive (Income) and Expenditure   264
