Draft Group Accounts

Group Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement

This Group statement shows the accounting cost in the year of providing services in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, rather than the amount to be funded from taxation (or rents). Authorities raise taxation (and rents) to cover expenditure in accordance with statutory requirements; this may be different from the accounting cost. The taxation position is shown in both the Expenditure and Funding Analysis (Note 7) and the Movement in Reserves Statement. Intragroup balances are eliminated on consolidation.

Group Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement 2023/24
2019 to 20 Gross Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
2019 to 20 Gross Income
in thousands of pounds
2019 to 20 Net Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
 2020 to 21 Gross Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
2020 to 21 Gross Income
in thousands of pounds
2020 to 21 Net Expenditure
in thousands of pounds
114,735(52,829)61,906Adult Social Care and Public Health131,800(59,174)72,626
4,172(379)3,793Chief Executive's Office5,238(183)5,055
171,719(121,882)49,837Children and Education184,690(128,413)56,277
103,373(63,755)39,618Finance and Corporate Services117,470(71,507)45,963
387,887(218,463)169,424Cost of Services540,738(294,888)245,850
  (2,695)Other Operating Expenditure  22,215
  15,273Financing and Investment Income and Expenditure  3,936
  (207,195)Other Taxation and Non-Specific Grant Income  (220,371)
  (25,193)(Surplus) or Deficit on Provision of Services  51,630
  (50,620)Surplus on revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment assets  (23,876)
  (177,834)Remeasurement of the Pension net defined liability/(asset)  (27,216)
  141Movement on deferred tax relating to pension liability  2
  (228,313)Other Comprehensive Income and Expenditure  (51,090)
  (253,506)Total Comprehensive Income and Expenditure  540

Group Balance Sheet

The Group Balance Sheet shows the value at the Balance Sheet date of the assets and liabilities recognised by the entity and its subsidiaries. The net assets (assets less liabilities) are matched by the reserves. Reserves are reported in two categories. The first category of reserves is usable reserves, which the Council may use to provide services subject to the need to maintain a prudent level of reserves and any statutory limitations on their use (for example the Capital Receipts Reserve that may only be used to fund capital expenditure or repay debt). The second category of reserves is those that the Council is not able to use to provide services. This category of reserves includes those that hold unrealised gains and losses (for example the Revaluation Reserve), where amounts would only become available to provide services if the assets are sold; and reserves that hold timing differences shown in the Group Movement in Reserves Statement line ‘Adjustments between Accounting basis and funding basis under regulations’. Intragroup balances are eliminated on consolidation.

Group Balance Sheet 2023/24

31 March 2020, in thousands of pounds
31 March 2021, in thousands of pounds
804,615Property plant and equipment769,052
32,830Heritage Assets35,001
65,980Investment Property55,646
1,675Intangible Assets1,165
11,393Long Term Investments10,452
7,365Long Term Debtors6,315
57,840Pension Assets85,958
981,698Long Term Assets963,589
1,650Assets Held For Sale12,737
172Short-term Investments221
62,817Short Term Debtors61,198
49,251Cash and Cash Equivalents30,929
120,094Current Assets115,154
-Cash and Cash Equivalents Overdrawn(5,734)
(714)Short-Term Borrowing(3,606)
(70,184)Short-Term Creditors(46,025)
(3,579)Grants Receipts in Advance – Revenue(2,770)
(83)Grants Receipts in Advance – Capital(83)
(77,468)Current Liabilities(61,874)
(1,739)Long-Term Provisions(1,655)
(223,030)Long Term Borrowing(220,325)
(27,821)Other Long-Term Liabilities(23,438)
(356)Pension Liabilities(404)
(6,067)Grants Receipts in Advance - Capital(6,408)
(259,013)Long Term Liabilities(252,230)
765,311Net Assets764,639
(73,031)Usable Reserves(82,267)
(692,280)Unusable Reserves(682,372)
(765,311)Total Reserves(764,639)

Group Movement in Reserves Statement 2023/24

The Group Movement in Reserves Statement shows the movement from the start of the year to the end on different reserves held by the Council and its subsidiaries, analysed into ‘Usable Reserves’ (i.e. those that can be applied to fund expenditure or reduce local taxation) and other ‘Unusable Reserves’. This Statement shows how the movements in the year of the Council's and subsidiary's reserves are broken down between gains and losses incurred in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and the statutory adjustments required to return to the amounts chargeable to council tax (or rents) for the year. The net Increase/Decrease line shows the statutory General Fund Balance movements in the year following those adjustments.

The General Fund also includes earmarked reserves.

Group Movement in Reserves Statement 2023/24
 General Fund Balance
in thousands of pounds
Retained Earnings Adjustment
in thousands of pounds
Earmarked Reserve Balance
in thousands of pounds
Capital Receipts Reserve
in thousands of pounds
Capital Grants unapplied
in thousands of pounds
Total Usable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Unusable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total Authority Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Balance At 1 April 2023(12,140)(2,411)(52,876)3,402(9,006)(73,031)(692,280)(765,311)
Movement in Reserves during 2022/23:
(Surplus)/Deficit on the provision of services
Other Comprehensive Income and Expenditure 14   14(51,104)(51,090)
Total Comprehensive Income and Expenditure51,705(61)---51,644(51,104)540
Adjustments between group accounts and authority accounts322(191)---132-132
Adjustments between accounting basis and funding basis under regulations(45,303)--(546)(15,163)(61,012)61,012-
Net (Increase)/Decrease in year 2023/24 before Transfers to earmarked reserves6,724(252)-(546)(15,163)(9,236)9,908672
Other adjustments:
Transfers to earmarked reserves
(6,064) 6,064-----
Net (Increase)/Decrease in year 2023/24 before Transfers to earmarked reserves660(252)6,064(546)(15,163)(9,236)9,908672
Closing Balance as at 31 March 2024(11,480)(2,663)(46,812)2,856(24,169)(82,267)(682,372)(764,639)
Group Movement in Reserves Statement 2022/23
 General Fund Balance
in thousands of pounds
Retained Earnings Adjustment
in thousands of pounds
Earmarked Reserve Balance
in thousands of pounds
Capital Receipts Reserve
in thousands of pounds
Capital Grants unapplied
in thousands of pounds
Total Usable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Unusable Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Total Authority Reserves
in thousands of pounds
Balance At 1 April 2022(14,273)630(59,825)3,041(6,537)(76,964)(497,957)(574,921)
Movement in Reserves during 2022/23:
(Surplus)/Deficit on the provision of services
39,140(2,427) none none none36,713 none36,713
Other Comprehensive Income and Expenditure none(501) none none none(501)(227,812)(228,313)
Total Comprehensive Income and Expenditure39,140(2,928) none none none36,212(227,812)(191,600)
Adjustments between group accounts and authority accounts2,161(2,093) none none none681,1421,210
Adjustments between accounting basis and funding basis under regulations(30,239) none none361(2,469)(32,347)32,347 none
Net (Increase)/Decrease in year 2022/23 before Transfers to earmarked reserves11,062(5,021) none361(2,469)3,933(194,323)(190,390)
Other adjustments:
Transfers to earmarked reserves
(6,949) none6,949 none none none none none
Net (Increase)/Decrease in year 2022/234,113(5,021)6,949361(2,469)3,933(194,323)(190,390)
Closing Balance as at 31 March 2023(10,160)(4,391)(52,876)3,402(9,006)(73,031)(692,280)(765,311)

Group Cash Flow Statement

The Group Cash Flow Statement shows the change in cash and cash equivalents of the Council and its subsidiaries during the reporting period. The statement shows how the Council and its subsidiaries generate and uses cash and cash equivalents by classifying cash flows as operating, investing or financing activities. The amount of net cash flows arising from operating activities is a key indicator of the extent to which the operations of the Council are funded by way of taxation and grant income or from the recipients of services provided by the Council and its subsidiaries. Investing activities represent the extent to which cash outflows have been made for resources which intended to contribute to the Council and its subsidiaries future service delivery. Cash flows arising from financing activities are useful in predicting claims on future cash flows by providers of capital (i.e. borrowing) to the Council and subsidiaries.

Group Cash Flow Statement 2023/24
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
(36,713)Net Deficit on the Provision of Services(51,630)
55,602Adjustments to net surplus or deficit on the provision of services for non-cash movements52,632
(18,771)Adjustments for items included in the net surplus or deficit on the provision of services that are investing and financing activities(24,354)
118Net cash flows from Operating Activities(23,352)
(2,055)Investing Activities10,476
(4,906)Financing Activities(11,180)
(6,843)Net decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents(24,056)
56,094Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period49,251
49,251Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the reporting period for the Group25,195

Group Accounts - Disclosures


The Council holds a 100% interest in BexleyCo Limited, a company limited by shares. The Council has loans and equity with this subsidiary. The Company was incorporated in June 2017 and fulfils the strategic aims and objectives of the Council to generate additional income streams in line with the Asset Investment Strategy and for Housing Redevelopment both residential and a proportion of affordable housing. Voting rights are such that shares rank equally for voting purposes.

The London Borough of Bexley (the reporting authority) has one subsidiary company reported in the group accounts:

BexleyCo Limited

The London Borough of Bexley owns 100% of the share capital of BexleyCo and BexleyCo operates at the Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath DA6 7AT.

Basis of Consolidation

The group Financial Statements i.e the group balance sheet, group movement in reserves statement and group cash flow statement have been prepared by consolidating the accounts of the reporting authority (London Borough of Bexley) and its subsidiary (BexleyCo) on a line by line basis. The accounts of BexleyCo have been prepared in accordance with paragraph of the Code, using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances.

Financial Performance

In 2023/24 the company made an operating loss of £0.123m (£2.481m profit in 2022/23). The turnover of BexleyCo was £0.558m (£13.416m in 2022/23) and the cost of sales was £0.422m (£10.577m in 2022/23).

Investment Properties

The Statement of Financial Position for BexleyCo includes £3.051m of Investment Properties at 31 March 2024 (£3.199m at 31 March 2023).


Inventories of BexleyCo includes Work in Progress of £4.496m at 31 March 2024 (£1.902m at 31 March 2023).


The Statement of Financial Position for BexleyCo includes £3.825m of Creditors at 31 March 2024 (£5.464m at 31 March 2023). Out of this,  £2.975m relates to London Borough of Bexley (£3.392m at 31 March 2023). This leaves £0.850m relating to other parties (£2.072m at 31 March 2023).

Operating Cash Flows

To arrive at the net cash flows from operating activities, the cash flow statement takes the surplus or deficit on provision of services and adjusts for non-cash movements and for items that are investing or financing activities.

in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
(1,178)Impairment and downward valuations2,284
16Increase/(decrease) in impairment for bad long-term debts-
(34,623)Decrease in creditors(18,073)
22,232Increase/(Decrease) in debtors2,569
6,103Increase/(Decrease) in inventories(3,864)
16,308Movement in pension liability(843)
1,515Carrying amount of non-current assets and non-current assets held for sale, sold or derecognised22,961
4,081Movement in fair value of investment properties(2,850)
921Other non-cash items charged to the net surplus or deficit on the provision of services7,765

The surplus or deficit on provision of services has been adjusted for the following items that are investing and financing activities:

in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
(1,734)Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment, investment property and intangible assets(1,029)
2,917Movements on financial instruments – pooled investment funds-
(19,954)Any other items for which cash effects are investing or financing cash flows(23,325)

Investing Activities

The group cash flow statement includes the following cash flows relating to investing activities:

in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
(19,502)Purchase of Property Plant and Equipment, Investment Property and Intangible assets(15,397)
(207)Other payments for investing activities-
1,734Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets1,915
15,920Other receipts from investing activities23,958
(2,055)Net cash flows from investing activities10,476

Financing Activities

The group cash flow statement includes the following cash flows relating to financing activities:

in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
(315)Cash payments for the reduction of outstanding liabilities relating to finance leases and on-Balance-Sheet PFI contracts(2,832)
(34)Repayments of short- and long-term borrowing(31)
(4,557) noneOther payments for financing activities(8,317)
(4,906)Net cash flows from financing activities(11,180)