Draft Collection Fund

The Collection Fund shows the transactions of the Council as a billing authority in relation to the collection of council tax and non-domestic rates and its subsequent distribution to local authorities and the Government. There is no requirement for a separate Collection Fund Balance Sheet since the assets and liabilities arising from collecting non-domestic rates and council tax belong to the bodies concerned (i.e. major preceptors, the billing authority and the Government). The Council’s share of council tax and business rates income is reflected in the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement on an accruals basis in line with the Code. However, the amount to be reflected in the General Fund is determined by regulation. Therefore, there is an adjustment for the difference between the accrued income and the statutory credit made through the Movement in Reserves Statement and the Collection Fund Adjustment Account.

Collection Fund for the Year Ended 31 March 2024
 Business Rates NNDR3
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax receivable
none none(171,878)(171,878)
Business Rates receivable(79,021)--(79,021)
Transitional Protection sums due from Central Government(9,007)--(9,007)
Council tax discounts funded from Billing Authority General Fund--(296)(296)
Business Rate Supplements (BRS) receivable-(2,454)-(2,454)
Total Income(88,028)(2,454)(172,174)(262,656)
Precepts, Demands and Proportionate Shares
Central Government29,647--29,647
London Borough of Bexley26,952-133,299160,251
Greater London Authority33,241-36,08769,328
Business Rate Supplement    
Business Rate Supplement (BRS) levy due-2,448-2,448
Charges to Collection Fund    
Write-off of uncollectable amounts(156)--(156)
Increase in provision for non-collection1,397-3,1864,583
Increase in provision for appeals1,320--1,320
Disregarded amounts13--13
Allowance for cost of collection2426-248
Apportionment of previous year's Collection Fund Surplus    
Central Government1,736--1,736
Greater London Authority1,947-4462,393
Total Expenditure97,9172,454174,498274,869
Movements on the Collection Fund    
Deficit arising during the year9,889-2,32412,213
Surplus brought forward 1 April 2023(2,103)-(1,625)(3,728)
Deficit carried forward 31 March 20247,786-6998,485
Central Government2,569--2,569
London Borough of Bexley2,336-5232,859
Greater London Authority2,881-1763,057
Deficit carried forward 31 March 20247,786-6998,485
Collection Fund Deficit 31 March 2024
Collection Fund DeficitBusiness Rates
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Central Government2,569 none none2,569
London Borough of Bexley2,336 none5232,859
Greater London Authority2,881-1763,057
Deficit carried forward 31 March 20247,786-6998,485
Memorandum Note
Debtors and PrepaymentsBusiness Rates
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Sums outstanding from Ratepayers (Arrears/Debtors)6,3559642,27648,727
Prepayments and Overpayments(3,270)(58) none(3,181)(6,509)
Collection Fund for the Year Ended 31 March 2023
 Business Rates NNDR3
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
Totals (Restated)
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax receivable
none none(161,750)(161,750)
Business Rates receivable(67,609) none none(67,609)
Business Rate Supplement (BRS) receivable none(1,971) none(1,971)
Total Income(67,609)(1,971)(161,750)(231,330)
Transitional protection payments due to Central Government
none none none90 none
Precepts, Demands and Proportionate Shareses none  
Central Government22,992 none none22,992
London Borough of Bexley20,902 none none none146,248 none
Greater London Authority25,779 none32,464 none58,243
Business Rate Supplement ne  
Business Rate Supplement (BRS) levy due-1,965-1,965
Charges to Collection Fund    
Write-off of uncollectable amounts131) none(3) none(134)
(Decrease)/increase in provision for non-collection(2,260)-3,170910
Decrease in provision for appeals(423)- none(423)
Disregarded amounts18--18
Allowance for cost of collection2386 none244
Apportionment of previous year's Collection Fund Surplus none  
Central Government(6,820) none-(6,820)
Bexley-(2,376) none(8,576)
Greater London Authority(7,647) none-(8,203)
Total Expenditure46,5381,971158,045206,554
Movements on the Collection Fund    
Surplus arising during the year(21,071)-(3,705)(24,776)
Deficit brought forward 1 April 202218,968-2,08021,048
Surplus carried forward 31 March 2023(2,103)-(1,625)(3,728)
Collection Fund Surplus and Deficit 31 March 2023
Collection Fund (Surplus)/DeficitBusiness Rates
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Central Government(694) none none(694)
London Borough of Bexley(631) none(1,244)(1,875)
Greater London Authority(778)-(381)(1,159)
Surplus carried forward 31 March 2023(2,103)-(1,625)(3,728)
Memorandum Note
Debtors and PrepaymentsBusiness Rates
in thousands of pounds
Business Rate Supplement
in thousands of pounds
Council Tax
in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Sums outstanding from Ratepayers (Arrears/Debtors)5,3288339,87945,290
Prepayments and Overpayments(3,267)(37) none(4,136)(7,440)

Notes to the Collection Fund

Note 1 - Council Tax

Council Tax income derives from charges raised according to the value of residential properties, which have been classified into eight valuation bands. Individual charges are calculated by estimating the amount of income required to be taken from the Collection Fund by the Council and its preceptors and dividing this by the Council Tax Base (equivalent number of Band D properties).

Council Tax Base calculation
Bands and value rangesEstimated number of propertiesMultiplier2022/23 Band D equivalent
in thousands of pounds
2023/24 Band D equivalent
in thousands of pounds
A - Reduced Band A45/932
A - up to £40,0002,7336/91,6911,822
B - from £40,001 to £52,0007,3107/95,4125,686
C - from £52,001 to £68,00024,0658/921,09921,392
D - from £68,001 to £88,00024,3729/924,19124,372
E - from £88,001 to £120,00017,59011/921,44521,498
F - from £120,001 to £160,0004,75213/96,7546,863
G - from £160,001 to £352,0001,61015/92,6472,684
H - from £320,001 and over3518/97370
Subtotal  83,31584,389
Less Allowance for non-collection  (1,250)(1,265)
Council Tax Base81,273 82,06583,124

Note 2 - NNDR Rateable Values

in thousands of pounds
in thousands of pounds
Non-Domestic Rateable Value Gross190.25m227.995m
Standard Business Rate51.2p51.2p
Small Business Rate49.9p49.9p
Business Rates Receivable after reliefs and transition67.61m79.099m

Note 3 - Business Rate Supplement (BRS) - Crossrail

The Mayor of London introduced a levy of 2p on non-domestic properties with a rateable value of over £70,000 in London from 1 April 2010, to help pay for Crossrail. Powers were granted to the Greater London Authority (GLA) to introduce this under the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009. The Crossrail Business Rate Supplement (BRS) is being collected on behalf of the GLA by the Council along with general business rates (NNDR). Income collected and payments made to the GLA are included in the Collection Fund Statement.