4. Children and families’ feedback

Feedback from children

The children who attended the Bexley HAF clubs were happy to be there, engaging in the activities and making friends.  When speaking to different children the feedback was positive.

A teenager at one of our programmes for older children stated:

I enjoy coming to the club, I have never used a sewing machine before, so it was something new I’ve learnt."

Another child stated that:

We like coming here because there is lots to do and we like all the activities, but our favourite is dodgeball.’"

From our older children’s survey, feedback included:

I enjoyed having the opportunity to play and interact with other children."

An older child reported that if they were not at the club, they would be sitting at home all day, watching the TV or playing on their games console. Other feedback from a survey created for children to complete stated:

I enjoyed coming to the club and have made new friends."

From our older children’s survey, feedback included:

I enjoyed having the opportunity to play and interact with other children."

Feedback from parents

These programs are very useful, and the kids absolutely loved it, it's something we can't afford to do and even simple things like taking the kids swimming is not affordable for my family and i have only ever taking them swimming twice and the school takes them for swimming lessons when they are in year 4. Also, they have only been to the ball pit once when it was another child's birthday. The experience they had at ********* was amazing and they wanted to go for more days which i had to sit them down and explain that I could not send them for more days as that was what we were entitled to. Now they are looking forward to the next time they will be able to go with the free school meals program again."

My four children will be very unhappy (if it ended), because the HAF programme enables them to leave home meet up with other children to enjoy various sporting activities, which keeps them active though out the holidays, since I can't afford to pay for their holidays outside the country. Thank you very much. We appreciate all your support and effort to keep Bexley children fit and healthy. Keep it up!!!"

It would impact me greatly (if it ended) as I would have to pay for childcare and more food which I already struggle to afford"