9. Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

A particular strength of Bexley’s HAF Programme is the SEND provision offered, and we run several SEND specific programmes during each holiday period.  Between them, our providers offer a range of support for those children and young people with low level needs in mainstream schools, right through to those with high level needs attending SEND schools who require a higher level of care.

Our providers have built such a positive relationship with the children and parents.  Their programmes cater for the needs of each child individually, whilst incorporating all the standards of the HAF programme.  The children experience indoor and outdoor activities as well as parks, visits to various locations including historic sites, and a variety of sensory activities.  One of our providers had a dental specialist showing the children how to brush their teeth properly and allowed the children to practise on models of teeth.

Whilst these clubs offer 1:1 or 1:2 care, where possible, they also encourage independence and allow children to develop skills in activities they are interested in.

child playing with parachute
child learning to brush teeth
child learning to cook

Secondary Provision

We have two clubs which focus solely on young people aged 11-16.  Koala Klubs in partnership with Jacksonville Jaguars run a Jag Tag programme, with experienced coaches in American Football to deliver sessions which develop skills required in American football.  The programme also includes other sporting activities and games, as well as the opportunity for the young people to go swimming. As a reward for those who attended the whole programme, a trip to Wembley Stadium to watch an NFL game was organised.  This was an experience which many young people would not get the opportunity to do otherwise.  The club also offers Jacksonville Jaguars merchandise as a reward for attendance.

Sendtivate also offer a programme for 11-16 year olds. This club includes a variety of activities tailored for the older age group, such as a baking competition, singing contest, gym equipment, computer games, table tennis, mug making, t-shirt making and sewing.  Sendtivate also brings in life skills coaches to deliver sessions on life skills, in relation to dangers in society like, gang violence, knife crime and its impacts.

Zenoch Community Hub caters for children aged 7-16. This provision includes a variety of games, visits out like the cinema and golf tournaments, as well as the opportunity to learn how to cook meals.

Some of our other provision also delivers for young people up to 16 years, to allow siblings to be able to attend the same provision. Sometimes, the older children have been team leaders and acted as role models for the younger children.  However, feedback has suggested that, particularly 14-16 year olds, generally prefer to attend provision just for young people of a similar age.

foot massage
children using gym equipment
children learning to cook