2. Highlights

Below is the attendance breakdown for the Easter, Summer and Winter programmes that took place during the 2023/24 HAF Programme year. Each child could attend for up to 16 sessions during the Summer programme, and up to 4 sessions during the Easter and Winter programmes.

Easter 2023 Programme

No. of ProvidersNo. of LocationsNo. of Sessions offeredNo. of Sessions attendedNo. of Individual children attendedNo. of Primary aged childrenNo. of Secondary aged childrenNo. with SEND or additional needs

Summer 2023 Programme

Number of ProvidersNumber of LocationsNumber of Sessions OfferedNumber of Sessions AttendedNumber of Individual Children AttendedNo. of Primary aged childrenNo. of Secondary aged childrenNo. with SEND or additional needs

Winter 2023 Programme

Number of ProvidersNumber of LocationsNumber of Sessions OfferedNumber of Sessions AttendedNumber of Individual Children AttendedNo. of Primary aged childrenNo. of Secondary aged childrenNo. with SEND or additional needs

2023 / 24 Budget Breakdown

The table below shows the funding we received from the DfE for the 2023/24 HAF Programme year, and how that budget was spent.

London Borough of Bexley’s allocation from the Department for Education£830,020.00
Expenditure Type£
Management and administration of the programme by the LA.£83,000.00
Easter 2023 programme costs£115,691.00
Summer 2023 programme costs£478,525.00
Winter 2023 programme costs£142,756.00
Publicising the scheme to eligible families and other communications.£111.00
Centralised booking system£9,937.00
Total expenditure for 2023/24 HAF Programme year£830,020.00