12. Marketing and communications

A large part of the marketing of Bexley’s HAF Programme is down to the positive relationship built with most of the schools in Bexley, particularly over the last year.  Schools send out our HAF brochure in advance of the booking system opening and voucher codes being emailed out.  The brochure contains information on all of the clubs available and gives parents time to look through what is on offer without the pressure of having to book quickly before the places fill up.

Posters have been distributed across various organisations and businesses in Bexley, targeting the services where the posters would be most beneficial.  For example, GPs surgeries, supermarkets, libraries, newsagents, children’s centres/ play centres, school, churches and food banks.

The council advertises the programme on its dedicated HAF Programme webpage, which is available all year round. The webpage is updated prior to each holiday period to list all the providers delivering activities as part of the next HAF Programme, a description of the activities they’ll be offering and contact details for parents to speak to the providers if they have any queries.  The Communications Team also include messages about our upcoming HAF Programmes in the Council’s weekly bulletins, newsletters and social media accounts.

We have run parent meet and greet online sessions as an opportunity for parents to find out more about Bexley’s HAF Programme.  Some of our providers also joined these sessions to give parents the chance to meet them and ask questions.

Our providers have also done their own marketing of their provision through schools, social media and their own websites.